Page 22 of East

“I didn’t think anyone was allowed to go in that house,” said Brooke, frowning at the group. Cowboy let out a big yawn.

“Well, someone is. I’m gonna shower and get some sleep. Don’t leave without waking us,” he said to East.

“No worries, brother. I’m waiting to hear from Sutton. He sent a text late last night saying that he had a job for me. I’m going to guess it has something to do with your little adventure yesterday and the tunnels.”

“He might think that it was you,” frowned Eazee.

“No. I don’t think so.”

“I’m headed out,” said Liffey, hugging his daughter and kissing her cheek.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“Mo and I are headed to Houston to meet with Rivera. We need to know what Sutton is after besides his daughter. If we can help one another, we might be able to stop this shit. East? Be careful around Sutton. The rest of you, continue to find those damn tunnels.”

“Dad?” called Brooke, following her father to the door. “I’m sorry about yesterday, but I am glad that you came. I’ve missed you.”

“Me too, honey. But you’re gonna have a helluva conversation with your mother when you get home.” Brooke scrunched her face, realizing that her mother would be the more difficult of the two parents.

“Any thoughts on who is getting into that house and cleaning?” asked Mo. Brooke shook her head, frowning.

“No. The estate is locked up tight. I’m sure you saw that. No one is allowed on the property other than the caretakers hired by the executor of the will. They have cameras everywhere, sensors, alarms. The only person who would be given access to that house would be Morgan, and that’s impossible considering what you’ve told me.”

“Sutton is texting me to meet up in an hour.” He kissed Brooke, then turned to the others. “Make sure she’s with you wherever you go and check with Morgan to see if she might remember someone who could have access to that house.”

“East? Be careful,” said Brooke, pulling back on his arm. “I know you think you’ve got this, but Sutton is ruthless. He would sooner kill you than look at you.”

“Same, baby.”

Brooke just shook her head as he headed out the door. Turning, the others were all smiling, except Cowboy, who was still yawning.

“Weren’t you going to get some sleep?” she frowned.

“Yep. Just making sure I don’t miss anything,” he grinned, passing her as he left to head next door.

“He’ll be fine, Brooke. My brother knows what he’s doing,” said Eazee.

“You guys are always so cocky. Even Dad. You all think you’re invincible. You’re not. You’re men. Average, everyday men.”

“Average? Ouch. That hurt,” frowned Bogey.

“Hey, I’ve got Morgan on the line,” said Matt. Everyone turned to see the big man holding the phone out. “Go ahead, Morgan. I’ve got you on speaker.”

“Hi,” she said tentatively. “I don’t know you, Brooke, but please be careful. My father is an awful person.”

“I’m aware,” she said. “But thank you for the warning.”

“Morgan, we were able to get into the mansion owned by your mother last night. Don’t ask how. We found some pretty disturbing things below the house, but that’s not what we need to talk about. Someone is getting inside that house and cleaning it. There was no dust, no dirt, nothing. Everything was spotless.”

“That’s not possible. Is there furniture?” she asked.

“No. Not even a fork or spoon,” said Eazee.

“My mother stipulated that upon her death, the house went to me. If I wasn’t capable of taking care of the house, it would be held in trust until my father’s death, thereby ensuring that he would never set foot in it again.”

“He lived there before?” asked Matt.

“Very briefly. When my parents were first married, they lived there for a few years. I was probably four when my father said they needed to live in a different house. For a while, he lived in the house he’s in now, while my mother and I lived in the mansion. But he said it was too showy.”