Page 18 of East

“No. I overheard one of the men say that he owns a dealership and a repair shop. I would imagine some of the drugs and guns are coming across in the cars and parts. Maybe some of the kids and women are as well. They could be hiding in the cars.”

“It’s possible,” frowned East, “although, for the most part, the border security is pretty tight about cars.”

“Maybe in San Diego, East, but not here. Not in El Paso, McAllen, or Nogales. The Mexican border guards are just trying to stay alive. If they aren’t bought and paid for by the cartels, they’re careful to not make waves so their families aren’t punished. On the U.S. side, it’s not much different. Especially here.

“I don’t think you understand how much power and influence Sutton has around here. Look at where he lives, East. He lives in a modest neighborhood, not making waves with anyone, just doing his dirty business underground. He doesn’t want the attention on him. In that way, he’s very different than Ramos or any of the other drug dealers.”

“I understand. I understand that he’s buying and selling drugs, weapons, women, and children. I understand that he wants his daughter back in order to get control of that mansion up there on that hill.”

“Wait. What did you just say?” she asked.

“He obviously wants Morgan back so that he can somehow get control of that mansion. Clearly, it’s important enough to him that he hasn’t bought another one to replace it, and, for some strange reason, he can’t get into it now.”

“No. No, he hasn’t replaced it, has he? But why? He has the money. He could build one five times that size. What the fuck is in that mansion that he wants so desperately?” asked Brooke.

“I thought you would have the answer to that,” he smirked.

“No, but I know someone who might.”

“Fuentes. Nice to see you,” said East.

“What the fuck are you doing with her?” he growled at the big man.

“Relax. I’ve known Brooke a long time. She’s family. Right, Brooke?”

“Shut up, East,” she frowned, knowing he was poking at Fuentes and trying to show his claim on her. Thomason would be proud of him, finally staking claim on his girl.

“You’re trying to piss off Fuentes, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t. Listen, we’ve got Sutton thinking that East is infatuated with me, and he’s willing to do any job to get my freedom. But we’re here about something else.”

“Alright, I’ll bite. What are you here about?”

“The mansion. What’s so fucking important about that mansion that he wants his daughter back to get control of it? Why not just blow it up and start over?”

Fuentes stared at the two people sitting across from him and then stood, closing his office door. Pulling a file from beneath his desk, he slid it across the surface toward East.

“Category A biological weapon? What in the ever-loving fuck?” growled East.

“We think that Sutton’s wife helped him to acquire the biological weapons, and then convinced him to store them beneath the mansion because it’s cool and dry. One of the few places around here that is cool. But she either changed her mind, or it was a ruse all along to get them out of his hands. We’ll never know.

“Just before Morgan was taken more than ten years ago, a massive government storage facility was robbed. Almost a thousand tubes of Anthrax went missing, and they’ve never been found.”

“A thousand? Is that a lot?” asked Brooke.

“It’s enough to kill millions,” said Fuentes.

“Why not raid the house? Get a warrant, probable cause, and get in there and find out what they have.”

“You think we haven’t tried that? Two years before I came, the agent asked for a search warrant on probable cause of harboring drugs, guns, and trafficked women and children. He was given the warrant, but when he went inside, there was nothing. No furniture, no dishes, not even a towel left behind. The lights were on, water was working, but nothing else.

“They searched that house for three days and found nothing. No hidden staircases. No basements. No vaults. He was fired. I know in my gut that something is there, but I can’t risk another incident like that.”

“Well, then. We’ll have to get creative,” said East.

“Don’t fuck this up, East,” said Fuentes. “This is our last shot to get Sutton.”

“What do you mean?” frowned Brooke.

“I mean, that we’ve been told if we don’t have something on him, something significant by the end of the month, we’re out of here, and we’re to leave him alone. There is a common belief that Mr. Sutton is a law-abiding citizen who happened to befriend the wrong people.”