Page 17 of East

“No. Obviously not. There’s a small storage shed behind the gas station. I just always figured Mr. Sutton was letting them hide in there at night or something. I mean, it’s his property, so I didn’t question it.”

“Mr. Sutton? Does he own the station?” asked Tanner.

“Hell, yeah. He owns almost everything on this block. He’s gonna be some kind of pissed when he sees this. I sure hope I have a job tomorrow.”


East pulled the car into the driveway of Sutton’s home, stepping out with Brooke’s hand gripped in his own. He gently pulled her alongside him but made it look as though he were pulling her.

“Well, nice to see you again, East. How’s my girl doin’?” smirked Sutton with a lust-filled smile. It made Brooke shiver with chills.

“Great,” he grinned. “In fact, I want to make a deal with you.”

“A deal, huh? I don’t do deals, son. I’m the one that makes the rules.”

“Alright. You can have her back, and I’ll leave.” Sutton frowned at him, standing and walking toward him. East didn’t move.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” asked Sutton.

“I’m making a deal. I don’t want your money. I want her. Give me the job. I’ll complete it within the six days that I already paid you for, and then she will be my payment. I take her with me.” Sutton stared at him, then down at Brooke. He started laughing, shaking his head.

“That must be some magical pussy for you to walk away from cash. I don’t believe I’ve ever had pussy that good. Maybe I should try her out.”

“It’s a lonely world out there, and you won’t try her out while I bought and paid for her. I just want someone with me, and she’s willing to tag along. She seems to take orders well,” he smirked, jerking her closer. “Don’t you, baby?”

“Yeah,” she nodded. “Sure.” Sutton stared at the big man, wondering where he’d actually come from. The woman seemed compliant but with a healthy dose of fear, which he admired.

“You’ll do a big job for me. A big one. No questions asked. You’re just going to do it.”

“No questions asked,” said East.

Just when he thought he would get his assignment, two cars jumped the curb and onto Sutton’s lawn, men pouring from them.

“What the fuck are you doing? That’s my lawn!” he yelled.

“We have a problem,” said one of the men, staring at East. Sutton knew they were suspicious of the big man and shook his head.

“He’s cool. What’s wrong?”

“Tunnels have been found and filled. Two at the zoo and gardens, the one by the lake, and the gas station was blown up.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? No one knows about those tunnels. No one! Get me the fucking mayor!” Sutton started to walk away, then turned back to East and Brooke. “Come back tomorrow. Same time. I have more pressing issues today.”

Leading Brooke back to the truck, East took off toward their little inn, grinning the entire time.

“What the hell was that all about?” asked Brooke.

“Just a little VG fun, honey.”

“Care to explain about the VG fun?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I think the boys found some of the tunnels and imploded them. The gas station must have been really important to him because that’s what seemed to set him off the most. Do you know anything about it?”

“No, not that particular one. I know that he owns a lot of businesses, and that’s what he runs his drugs, guns, and people through. Celeste had made a comment to me once that she thought he was getting the drugs through in the tires coming across the border. He sold the tires at the gas station but also had an entire tire center somewhere within the city. She found a strange rubbery film on the drugs.”

East frowned, nodding as he leaned against the door, his big hand rubbing his jaw.

“Do they work on cars at the gas station?” he asked.