Page 14 of East

“Good morning,” smiled Brooke, sitting up in the bed to see four men staring at her.

“Good morning,” they said in unison.

“Cowboy went out and got us breakfast,” said East. “Chicken and sausage biscuits, hashbrowns, coffee, and juice.”

“So, a heart attack?” she smirked.

“Ha, ha, it’s good stuff,” said Cowboy, biting into his second chicken biscuit. The buttery, flaky biscuit crumbled in his hand as the juicy, thick chicken made him moan. Brooke could only shake her head, laughing.

“I had an idea,” said East, leaning against the dresser with his coffee in his hand. “I’m going to go back today as planned, but I’m going to propose a deal with Sutton. I’ll do whatever he asks, in theory, but my payment is you.”

“What? No. No, you can’t do that! This is my case, East!”

“I know that. And you can still help us with this case, but at least you’ll be safe, and he won’t question why I keep going back to you.”

“He’s right, honey,” said Eazee. “He’ll just think East’s got a crush and is willing to kill for you. Literally. He may buy it.”

Brooke stared at the four men. Glaring was a more accurate description, but she was trying to see a flaw in the plan. She appreciated their concern for her, but she didn’t want to be pushed out of this case. Her case.

“I’m not leaving El Paso until this is done,” she said, staring at East.

There was a knock on the door, and she immediately reached for a weapon. Then she noticed that the others did not. Cowboy looked through the peephole and opened the door.

“You asshole! You called my father? You actually called my father on me. That’s low, East. I’m not leaving!” she yelled.

“Keep your voice down,” he grinned. “Yes, I called your father because he was worried sick about you. You forget that we are all on comms twenty-four-seven unless we turn it off. Your dad heard what was happening once I got to El Paso. Obviously, he wanted to be a part of this.” She looked at her father, then noticed the three men behind him.

“And the rest of the bunny crew?” she frowned.

“Thanks, sweetie,” smirked Mo. “I don’t think I’ve ever been referred to as a bunny.”

“Me either,” said Bogey, followed by Tanner. Brooke just shook her head.

“You’re unbelievable,” she snarled. East felt his stomach rolling in fear. Fear that she would walk away and never come back.

“Knock it off!” yelled her father.

Brooke stilled, turning to look at her father. He rarely lost his temper. He was the happy-go-lucky Irishman who didn’t let things get to him. But when he yelled, you stopped.


“No. You’re going to let someone else talk instead of throwing a fucking tantrum like a child.” Brooke started to speak, and he held up his hand. “I’ve listened to it all. You’re pissed that someone might take the credit for your case. You’re pissed that you won’t have the vengeance for your friend, Celeste. Well, too fucking bad, Brooke. That’s not how operatives work.

“Operatives don’t care who gets credit for the kill or the case. We are about justice and everyone coming home safely. If you don’t want the help of eight, count them eight exceptional operatives who can end this shit sooner rather than later, then go ahead. Walk your happy little ass out of here and do it yourself.” With that, East started to speak. Liffey stared at him, shaking his head.

“Do not piss me off, East. You’re a good man, and I think you’re the right man for my daughter, but if this is how she’s going to behave as an operative, then she won’t make our team.”

Silence filled the room, Liffey staring at his daughter. She couldn’t look at any of the men, especially not East. Maybe her father was right. Maybe she was so consumed with finding justice for Celeste that she didn’t think about the others around her.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered softly. “You’re right, and I’m sorry.”

“You’re a fucking DEA operative in the field, and you didn’t tell me,” said Liffey. “Did you forget what I do? Who I do it with?”

“No. No, I didn’t. I’m sorry, Dad. Really, I am. I just worried that if I told you, you’d tell me to quit. I can’t quit, Dad. Not yet. I’ll quit when this is done, and then I’ll come back to Belle Fleur and work for VG. With East.”

“With East?” he said with a grin.

“Yes. You’ve known for a long time that I love him. I should have been more open about my feelings, but I love him, Dad.”