Page 10 of East

“How am I supposed to help, if…” She stopped, pushing him back. Sitting up on the bed, she scooted backward against the headboard. “That’s what you’re doing. You’re trying to ensure that I don’t leave this room.”

“Baby, listen.”

“No, you listen. I’ve been working this a long time, East. I’ve seen him murder men, women, and children. More children than I can count, and yet no one would make a move in on him. When they did, suddenly, nothing was found. No tunnels, no rooms, no women, no children, no drugs. Poof! Like magic, everything and everyone is gone.”

“Someone is helping him,” growled East.

“Yes. I’m aware,” she said sarcastically. “Why do you think I’m still here?”

“I didn’t think you were here at all,” he said, moving toward her again. “I thought you were safe in some fucking office helping innocent people.”

“I am helping innocent people. Safe is a relevant term.”

“Bullshit. Safe is safe, and you are not safe.”

“I’m not leaving, East, and you can’t make me. This is my case. Mine and the DEA’s.”

“You working with Fuentes?”

“Yes. He’s a good agent. Competent and honest. Something hard to come by in this part of the country. He pretends to be one of Sutton’s lackeys and visits me once a week.”

“Visit you, huh?” he scowled.

“Oh, knock it off! You know what I mean. He’s never touched me, East. Never.”

“Sorry,” he said, standing and sliding his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I’m just, I’m just really jealous right now and feeling insanely protective.”

The door to the bathroom flew open, and three men stepped out, grinning at the couple.

“Well, we know what that means, don’t we?”


“You assholes! You scared the shit out of me!” said Brooke, staring at Eazee, Cowboy, and Matt.

“How did the three of you fit in that bathroom?” asked East. “More importantly, how did you get in here?”

“Don’t ask,” smirked Cowboy. “Nice to see you, Brooke. Uh, maybe put some clothes on, though. I’m a married man.”

“Shut up,” she laughed. “I can’t put clothes on because Mr. Frowny Face won’t let me.”

“Here,” grinned Eazee.

He tossed a bag on the bed, and she grabbed it, running around them into the bathroom. As she passed each one, she stood on her toes, kissing their cheeks.

“I’ve missed you guys.” The door shut, and the three men turned, smiling at East. Except he was not smiling back.

“What?” shrugged Eazee. “The girl needed clothes.”

“Why are you here?”

“Pigsty found out that Brooke was the undercover agent down here. Fuentes refused to say anything, but our man did his magic and found out. We were trying to get here to warn you before you walked in blind. Is she alright?”

“Yeah. It seems like she’s been able to avoid the worst of it.”

“That’s because I have,” she called from the bathroom. “I’m a capable agent.”

“Walls are thin,” smiled Matt.