“I don’t care what people think. You’re getting an assistant because you work hard and have a shit load of projects piling up on you. It’s in the company’s best interest.”
“It’s not how it will be seen.”
“Fine.” I stroke my thumb down her nose. Her skin feels different. And the longer I cup her cheek, the more evident it becomes that it’s lost some of its plumpness. “I’ll get HR to find personal assistants for all the editors. I’m sure we can then allocate the extra work to the rest of the team. That way everyone wins, and more importantly, you’re not killing yourself.”
“That’s insane. That’s four extra salaries you’ll take on. Fran wouldn’t agree on this.”
“Fran would have your back like she’s always had mine.” I press a kiss to her head. “I told you: there’s nothing I won’t do for you, little mouse.”
“Some things are too much.”
“Not when it comes to you. For you nothing will ever be enough, my love.”
She collapses into me, her arms wrapping around my waist. After a while she looks up with a long drawn-out breath. “I need to go. I can’t be late for my appointment. I’ll see you later, okay?”
I don’t bother telling her to move her meeting with Robert to another day. She won’t, and it’ll be another thing that she’ll fret over. Instead, I make a mental note to book some time off with her. Maybe take her somewhere nice where she won’t be working at all.
* * *
I call Ava one more time, but she doesn’t pick up. My worry amps up. I should have taken her home. I shouldn’t have let her carry on like she was all right when she very clearly wasn’t. I send her a quick message, while Robert goes on about everything they’ve been doing.
Are you okay?
“Is everything all right?” he asks, taking his coffee from the server.
“Yes.” My sighed reply comes out terse. “It’s that time of year where we’re full steam ahead.”
He laughs. “I can’t believe the book will be done in the next couple of weeks. After the last twelve months of writing and reading and rewriting… Of course, Ava is already onto the next part. I sent her the first few chapters, and she said it was good, so…”
“I thought she was meeting with you today?” I grab my own coffee.
“We were, but she asked to reschedule. She had a clash in her schedule.” He shrugs as we leave the coffee shop. “Anyway, it was good to see you.”
Fuck. I call her again as I part with Robert. And again, her call goes to voicemail. I’m about to message her when she texts:
Call you after my meeting.
Every possible scenario is going through my head, but I resist the urge to track her down. She’s probably with Lacie going over Warner’s shit.
Still, a lump forms in my throat, and my chest tightens in that way it always does when I can feel something’s off.
Not bothering to go back to the office, I call Gerry to pick me up. Once he arrives, I head straight to Fran’s. She’s good at talking sense, and I don’t want to be a dick when Ava’s clearly not feeling great.
Fran opens the door to her and Grayson’s Chelsea red-brick brownstone. “What are you doing here?”
I walk in, taking my shoes off—like she always gripes at me to—before I head into her kitchen. It’s all mismatched wood and exposed bricks painted a bright white with beams and wide windows. A proper family home for the family she and Grayson are starting.
“I need you to talk me off a ledge.” Dumping my cold coffee in her sink, I dispose of the cup before I sit at the kitchen table. She has the back door opened out into the small walled patio garden and a chaise in front of it with a stack of books beside it.
Sitting, she hugs her belly. It’s swelled enough that even in a loose dress it’s impossible to hide.
“I’m listening.” She lies back, looking at me like this is some kind of counseling session.