Page 17 of The Ripper

Is it fear?

“Does that scare you?”

She doesn’t reply, but her silence is telling. The flitting of her eyes over my chest and her short rasps of air. My grip on the footboard tightens as I resist the need to shake a response from her.


Honey eyes flash up to mine, and with a deep inhale, she tells me, “You said no one would touch me.”

“Nobody.” Leaning over her, I suck in her sweet scent. Almond and rose. So fucking mouthwatering. A delicious promise of what’s beneath her clothes. “I said nobody, not no one.”

With her face tipped up to mine, there isn’t a single tendril of her hair shadowing her confusion. There’s a fleeting second where she looks as entranced by the pull between us as I am. This heat is all-consuming. I can’t think past the hunger it stirs in me.

“Do I look like nobody to you?”

“No,” she whispers with a shake of her head. “No, Your Grace.”

“Henry.” I’m not my father. Even if I am wearing his ring and sitting in his seat. “You can call me Henry.”

“I was told to address you as Your Grace.”

“Do you always do as you’re told, Eve?”

Her silent, unwavering gaze is the only reply. It doesn’t matter how long I wait for an audible response; she doesn’t give it to me.

“I brought you back here,” I say, pulling myself back.

This is something I haven’t done in a really long time. Not just because it’s more hassle than the fucking is worth when I have no intention of taking it further than that. But also because last time it ended badly. Besides, I’ve outgrown these games. The only reason I come here aside from official club meetings is to watch Arthur’s back when he’s too busy getting his cock sucked.

Eve watches intently while I remove my tie and wind it around my hand before throwing it behind her on the bed. Her nervousness grows by the second as I remove my cufflinks and pocket them, proceeding to unbutton the collar of my shirt.

“Why?” she asks tremulously.

“Didn’t I tell you not to question me?”

A deep breath hollows out the bottom of her throat as her jaw clenches tight. Chagrin glints in her narrowed eyes as she pulls herself straight. Standing taller, she takes a step forward with her small ring-decorated hands on her hips. There it is. This is the fire that brought her back here, to me. I like it. More than I realised and definitely more than I care to admit. Eve may be young, but she’s headstrong in her morals.

“You said you didn’t want to fuck me.”

“No,” I chuckle at the indignant bite of her remark. “I said I wasn’t going to fuck you.”

“It’s not what I’m here for.”

“I’m your means to an end.” I remind her of what she said this place was to her for that one night and what it will be from now on every time she walks through the door. “You’re here to serve me. Only me.”

Rolling up the sleeves of my shirt, I stand behind her. Our bodies aren’t touching, but the heat of her body moulds perfectly to mine, just as I know her soft curves would, and that mental image is enough to get me hard. My cock aches in its straining confines while my blood blazes at the mere thought of all the things I want to do to her. And there is nothing but my fraying willpower stopping me. Nothing but the knowledge that she’s too young for me. Too innocent. Too perfect. And definitely too good to be fucked like a whore in this place.

When I move to sit on the edge of the bed, she spins on the spot, following me with her steady gaze. I’m tempted to play with her a little. Tease her apprehension and stoke that fire of hers some more. But I want her to come back tomorrow and the night after that. I want her to come back to me every fucking night until I’m done with her.

“What do you want from me, Your Grace?” she asks when I lean back on the bed, bracing myself on my elbows.

“Right now?” The rake of my gaze over her body causes her to squirm. “Right now, Eve, I want you to play for me.”

“What would you like to hear, Your Grace?” There’s a victorious glint in her light brown eyes when she uses my formal address again.


“Anything,” she echoes, picking up the case and setting it on the bedside table to take out her violin.