Page 75 of The Ripper

“Okay.” Eve glances up at me. It doesn’t matter how hard she tries to hide her panic; I can feel it rattle in my bones when I guide her to the dining table.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper as I pull out a chair for her. “She’s a busybody.”

“It’s okay.” Eve nods at me, pressing her face into my hand when I cup her jaw.

“Don’t pay her any mind, beautiful. She’ll be gone soon enough.”

Of course, my mother has other ideas. She drags breakfast out as long as she can, making small talk that I know she believes far beneath her. I think this is why she would rather marry me off to one of the names on her list. She knows them all. There would be no need to make the effort to get acquainted with them.

“You know,” she says, taking a sip of her coffee, “I can’t remember the last time we had a pot of tea at the table. Ever since his grandfather died, Henry’s hated the smell, and we’ve all had to humour his distaste.”

Eve flashes me a sorry glance as she drinks up the tea she’s cradling in both of her hands.

“My father-in-law was a mighty tea drinker. He’d have a cup at every opportunity.”

“A man after my heart.” Eve gives me a warm smile.

“A man after one’s own heart, the saying goes, not after one’s heart.”

Eve’s wide stare flashes to mine. “It’s all the same,” I reassure her.

Mother bleats a short laugh. “James was Henry’s idol. There was nowhere he wouldn’t follow the old Duke from dawn to dusk. Isn’t that right?”

When I nod, Eve’s hand finds mine on the table. She’s been quiet this morning. I think she’s overwhelmed by my mother’s surprise visit. Slipping her hand into my palm, she laces her fingers with mine as she edges her chair closer.

“I can see why my son is so…bewitched,” Mother muses, taking a sip of her coffee while her eyes study Eve’s and my joined hands. A narrow-eyed smile purses her lips before she says, “You’ll make beautiful children, no doubt. Henry was precious as a baby. He had big, chubby cheeks and all the rolls to go with them. Oh,” she sighs, flitting her stare directly at Eve, “it will be so nice to have children running around again. To have little ones to dote on.”

The development in the conversation catches Eve off guard. I see her face fall as Mother keeps babbling on about her future grandchildren. She’s doing well to keep her calm. I, on the other hand, am not.

“That’s enough,” I snap, silencing the child talk permanently.

“I’m sorry.” Mother leans across the table to pat our hands. “I got carried away for a moment.”

“You did.” My growl causes Eve to shudder away.

“I just…I suppose I assumed that you would have discussed your duties to the family. You’ll need an heir to carry on the name and to pass the Duchy down to. It’s just the way it is.” Mother shrugs as Eve stands quietly.

“Please excuse me. I need to use the bathroom.” Before I can make sure she’s all right, Eve rushes to the bedroom, leaving a trail of panic in her wake that I follow swiftly.

“See yourself out,” I tell Her Royal Highness as I slam the bedroom door shut behind me.

The bedroom is empty as I look around for Eve, but a sliver of light shines from beneath the bathroom door. I don’t bother knocking when I know she’s upset. The only thing I want right now is to comfort her and make sure she knows to ignore my mother’s conversation.

Leaning over the bathroom sink, she looks like she’s about to vomit. While I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around her, I settle for standing beside her in front of the mirror as she watches her face dry.

“I’ve asked her to leave,” I tell Eve.

“No, you didn’t have to. It’s not—”

“Yes, I did. I told her to be nice, and she fucked it up.” Turning the tap on, I wash my hands as a way of filling the silence. “She’s overbearing and forgets herself far too often when it comes to me and the family.”

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to protect your family.” Eve turns to face me. “Nothing wrong at all.” A defeated sigh escapes her as she presses a kiss to my shoulder.


“Do you remember you asked me where my mum was?” Her fingertips trace the scar on my side with a wistful frown.

I don’t like where this is going. It feels like impending doom encroaching on us, darkening what promised to be a good day.