“Easy for you to say.” Her remark is almost indiscernible as she glimpses over her shoulder in the same direction as him.
“You want fun?” I ask at the same time as the waiter comes over with our order, putting her drink down on the table along with three shot glasses and the bottle of tequila I asked for, the orange slices, and the salt. “Here.”
The sudden ruckus from across the way has her spinning towards me fast and grabbing the shot that I’ve barely poured. Without a moment of pause or another breath, she tips it back and slams the small glass back onto the table with a shiver of her entire body.
I keep waiting for another bitchy remark, but it never comes as she swallows down half of her drink and I pour us all a round of shots.
“Don’t do it. We won’t make it out of here alive.” Frank’s warning perks her up, and suddenly, she’s all in.
“You said fun.” The quirk of her brow punctuates the challenging statement. “I’m all ears.”
“You ever play truth or lie?”
“You mean truth or dare.” The roll of her eyes makes me chuckle as my eyes drop to her thighs when she crosses a long, lean leg over the other. The tight skirt of her dress hitches up, barely shadowing her panties from my view.
She has the kind of thighs that makes a man’s hands itch to squeeze. Hard. The kind of legs that make my mind wander into a trail of thoughts that cause my blood to heat as it races south of the border to my dick.
“Nope,” Frank laughs. “Truth or lie.”
“You flip the coin. Heads, you drink right away.” Flicking the coin up in the air, I watch it spin its way back down before I catch it in my palm and slap it onto the table, leaning forward at the same time as she does. With her dainty nose flaring and her lips puckering to a pout, I hold her stare. “Tails, you tell a truth or lie about yourself. If we guess it right, you do two shots. We guess wrong and we drink one shot.”
“How old are you?” she scoffs.
“Better question is,” I say, glancing between the table and her stare, “how good is your poker face, doll?”