Page 81 of Need 2 Have U

“And Summer? Alice is worried and…yeah, I wanted to give her and Honor an update.”

A surgeon comes into the room as I’m about to tell him what I know. The three of us immediately focus on her.

“We’re working to save Summer’s kidney, but we don’t have enough blood in the bank to keep going for much longer. The bleed was a lot more extensive than we realized, and unfortunately, her rare blood group means that we either need B-negative or O-negative to transfuse.”

“What does that mean?” I ask, standing while Harrison pulls his wallet from his pocket. “How do we get more blood?”

“We’ve contacted the hospitals closest to us, and their supplies are short. Our only option is to find a donor here. We like to start with family and friends.”

“Here.” Harrison hands her a donor card. “You can have mine. I’m O-neg and a regular donor so…”

“I’ll ask the family,” Miranda says, already halfway out of the door with the surgeon following behind her.

“I’ll send a nurse in to get you set up for the collection,” the surgeon pauses to tell him.

“You were right about where I went wrong.” The words bluster from my lips as he sits on the edge of the bed with Easton’s hand in his. “I wish I had done more…sooner.”

“Obviously, I was right. It’s why I said it. But me being right doesn’t make you wrong for trying to see the best in Heather. This…this is her fuckup, Parker, not yours.”

“Tell that to Summer.”

“You know why I’ve never been mad about Jules?”

“Because she’s your sister.”

“Fuck no, the girl is a freaking nightmare. Everywhere she fucking goes, there’s some bastard drooling after her. I’m constantly one step away from jail when she’s around guys.”

“How do you think fathers and brothers feel when you’re around their daughters and sisters?”

With a roll of his eyes and a flip of his finger, he answers his own question. “My dad and her mom had an affair. My dad left my mom. Jules was just a product of the situation…I can’t blame her for what happened between our parents or their actions.”

“What do I tell East when he asks me about his mom?”

With a shrug, Harrison focuses on him. For a guy that’s allergic to commitment, he’s great with kids. I think that’s the real reason he adores Juliette so much—he can’t help it. You put a kid in front of him and he thaws out like soft whip in the hot sun.

“Firstly, Heather was never a mom to him. She was an egg donor at best. But anywho, lots of moms die every day. Good and bad. You don’t have to go into details, and you don’t have to lie. Tell him Heather died in an accident…honestly, it’s not going to make a shred of difference to him. He’s got you and Summer.”

“He adores her.”

With a smirk, he laughs, “No shit.”

“He still loves you too, so don’t go getting jealous.”

“Of course he does. All the kids love me!”

“Because you are a kid.”

“Meh, there are worse things to be,” he croons, pulling an idiot face.

“What? Like a manwhore?”

“I didn’t judge you for being a monk for almost three years, so you don’t get to judge me for having a good time either. You do you, and I do—”

“Every skirt with a pulse?” I scoff jokingly.

“Fuck me you really are an asshole.”

A nurse comes in to fetch him, and as he walks out with her, I say, “Thank you.”