Page 72 of Need 2 Have U

“Yes. All the tests are clear. As we thought, it’s a severe ear infection, but we’ll keep him overnight just to monitor and get his temperature down. Your little guy is going to be absolutely fine.” Her reassuring smile has my chest loosening for the first time since we arrived.

He lets out a huge sigh, his shoulders sagging with the loss of tension.

“Thank you,” he says, nodding to Becca and meeting my gaze. His relieved sigh has me leaning in to hug him.

“No problem. My shift is over, but don’t hesitate to call me if you need me.”

“Thanks, Becca.” With a soft smile, she leaves, closing the door quietly behind her.

* * *

Easton’s slept soundly through the night, and neither Parker or I have left his side. There’s nowhere else either of us would rather be than next to this kid. We took turns sleeping in the armchair.

There’s a soft knock on the door, and my mom gently pushes it open.

“I hope you don’t mind me stopping by. Maria told me you had to bring the little one in yesterday. I brought a bag with a change of clothes and some other things in case you wanted to freshen up. Is there anything else I can do? Do you need some coffee or something to eat?” She’s talking a mile a minute, clearly nervous about my reaction to her appearance after our encounter yesterday.

“Thank you. I really appreciate it,” I say, getting up and taking the bag from her. “He’s going to be okay. They just kept him overnight for observation.”

“That’s good news.” There’s an awkward silence, neither of us sure of what to say.

Parker clears his throat and offers a tired smile. Even exhausted and anxious, he’s a sight to behold. My body gravitates toward his unconsciously.

“I need to update my parents. You okay to sit with him while I make the call?” he asks, and I nod, of course.

Parker gently kisses Easton’s hand before squeezing my shoulder and quietly exiting the room, giving Mom and me the space he must sense that we need.

For a moment, everything is silent, other than the soft sound of the hospital machines.



We both smile as we try to talk over one another, and I motion for her to go first.

“I owe you an apology. I can see how deeply you care for each other. And while I may think you should be off enjoying your life at your age, I want you to be happy more than anything else. If they make you happy, then I’m over the moon for you.”

I’m speechless. I don’t know what I expected her to say, but it wasn’t that. The previous day is catching up with me, and I’m a mess. Instead of replying, I engulf her in a hug and let tears cascade down my face.

Once we’ve both calmed down, I reassure Mom that we’re fine, and she heads home before I settle back in the chair beside Easton.

Scrolling mindlessly through the news on my phone, I look up when I hear Easton start to stir.

“Hey, little man,” I whisper, not wanting to startle him. His beautiful eyes lock on mine and widen as he starts to come to.

“Sum here.” He offers me a little smile, and it is like the clouds have moved and the sun is shining for the first time in years. That smile is priceless. And it’s worth everything.

“You bet I am. Nowhere else I’d rather be,” I say, kissing his little hand. “Daddy is here too. He’ll be back soon.”

“Toons,” he says, pointing to my cell. Definitely feeling more himself, I laugh to myself.

“You want to watch some cartoons?” He nods with a big toothy smile, and I load it up for him and pass it over. He settles down on his pillow, getting comfortable.

Swiping his bed hair from his eyes, I sit watching him giggle and smile at the phone, glad to see a little of his spark coming back.

“Well, isn’t this touching?”

Snapping my head round, I come face-to-face with an eerily calm-looking Heather. Her eyes look vacant, but what sends chills down my spine is the handgun she’s holding.