Page 60 of Need 2 Have U

Heather remains in place, and Parker turns his attention back to her, his jaw clenched and the anger radiating off him in waves. I wouldn’t want to cross this daddy bear.

“Do I need to call the police?” he snaps at her.

“I just want to see my son. You can’t…” She attempts to justify her actions, but Parker’s not having it.

“Leave. Or we’ll be pressing charges.” He grabs a dish towel and gently presses it to my head.

“This isn’t over.” She seethes as she makes her way to the door.

“After this stunt, you’ll be lucky if you ever set eyes on him again.”

She slams the door behind her, and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Parker grabs another towel and swaps them out. They weren’t kidding when they said head wounds bleed like a bitch.

“Sum red,” East says as he runs into the room, pointing to my head. His tear-filled eyes gut me.

“I’m okay, little man. I just fell over and got an owie.” He wraps his arms around me, and I let out a sigh of relief that he’s safe and oblivious.

“Are you? It looks nasty. I’m so sorry, Summer. If I’d known she’d pull something like this…” Parker’s remorse has me shaking my head, then regretting the decision when the room spins.

“Don’t you dare apologize. You are not responsible for her. This is not on you.”

“Come on, let’s get you to the ER. I think that it may need stitches.” He helps me stand and cups my face with his free hand, as if to reassure himself that I’m really okay and still here.

* * *

After our little detour to the ER, we’re back at Parker’s. The cut to my head wasn’t too deep; it just bled like crazy because that’s the nature of head wounds.

Easton and I are currently cuddling on the couch, watching some animated film he loves. His little hands are fisting my shirt, as if to make sure I don’t try and leave his side.

Parker comes in, hanging up his call with his lawyer. The tension is radiating off of him in waves. His shoulders are stiff, and he’s on edge. I want to take him in my arms and make all his worries go away.

“Everything okay?” I ask, stroking Easton’s back in soothing circles.

“Yeah. It’s all on record now.” He sits in the armchair across from us, exhausted, and runs a hand through his messy hair. “Christ, I need a break from this crap.”

Thinking for a moment, I ask, “Why don’t you guys come to Silverbell with me in a couple of weeks?”

Parker looks over at me, confused.

“My cousin is throwing her engagement party at my aunt and uncle’s pub. You guys can have a little weekend break, cool off a bit. My aunt loves kids. She’ll be a natural with East.”

He’s quiet, and I worry I’ve scared him off, inviting him to meet my family. But a slow smile spreads across his face, and he nods.

“I’d love to be your date.”

* * *

The week that followed was uneventful after the whirlwind of drama that Heather brought to our door. Between work and school, I barely saw much of the boys, and I hated it. When Parker told me he was taking me out to unwind, I lit up inside.

He said Harrison had offered to babysit, but I’m not convinced there wasn’t some bargaining involved. As much as Harrison loves East, I don’t see him giving up his Friday night easily. When Parker asked where I wanted to go to eat, it was a no-brainer. Taco n’ Rita Tapas is where my girls and I always gravitate. It’s the best place in town.

Sliding into the booth, I pass Parker a menu, enjoying the electricity his brief touch causes.

“You don’t need one?” he asks.

“Are you kidding? I love this place. I have it memorized.”

He chuckles and starts to read the menu while I ask a passing waitress if I can order a margarita and a Corona for Parker.