Page 31 of Need 2 Have U

Relaxing isn’t exactly something I do, but I take a deep breath and try to forget about everything outside the door. Of course, her presence makes the task a helluva lot easier.

Taking her large purse from her, I place it by the coffee table while she takes off her shoes and heads toward the dinner table, where East has his juice and snack. I would give anything to steal her away from my son and hold her right now. Deciding to give her some time to settle and relax, I head into the kitchen to make us a drink.

Maybe today isn’t a good time to talk about the house with her. It’s obvious that she’s tired, and perhaps we need to work out a way of sneaking around Easton without the constant late nights and ridiculously early mornings.

“Hey.” The soft murmur of her voice is followed by the warmth of her hand on my back, rounding to my stomach as I spin to face her.


Keeping my sight on the doorway, I lean down and press a kiss to the tip of her nose, allowing myself a quick swat of her ass. Finally, a giggle tumbles from her lips, and it’s impossible to resist the urge any longer. Without ceremony, I press my mouth to hers and hold it there for just a fraction of a second so that her sigh soaks right through me before I lick into her mouth and steal a much-needed taste.

In spite of the rampant need to take more, I resign myself to a simple hug before I let her go and finish making her the coffee I know she wants.

“We need to figure out how we’re doing things. I don’t want it to wear you out, at least not the logistics side of things.” Putting the coffee down on the counter, I watch as she takes the creamer from the fridge and adds a generous glug along with two spoons of sugar. “I’m going to order dinner, and we can have a quiet evening.”

“As amazing as that sounds, I have a ton of schoolwork to get finished…”

Jesus… “You realize that when you say that, it makes me sound like a pervert?”

With a wicked smirk, Summer rolls onto her toes and lightly pinches my chin so that our faces are close. “Hate to break it to you, Hawthorne, but you totally are a perv.”

“I am?”

“Mmmhmm…” A suggestive lick of her lips barely misses mine. “It’s hot. You’re hot, and if it didn’t make me cringe, I might join in and call you Daddy.”

“Too far, baby.”

“Really though? I think it could work for you.” A low, husked snicker vibrates from her.

“Anything you do works for me, but that’s not my kink.” Molding my hands to her ass, I bring Summer flush to me. Her belly presses to my groin, and her needy groan makes my hardening cock twitch for her.

“What’s your kink, then?”

“Stick around, Ms. O’Shea, and maybe you’ll find out.” With another, harder swat to her pert ass, I suck her lip into my mouth before licking into hers.

Nudging her legs apart with my knee, I push my thigh between hers, grinding her over me until her legs give out and she hums into my mouth, “You know I can’t say no when you put it that way.”

“I’ll put it to you a lot better later.”

“And I’ll hold you to that.”

We pull away as Easton’s rambles come closer. While Summer puts the creamer and sugar away again, I sit him on the counter. “You still want red noodles, bud?”

“Noods.” He nods his approval.

“Come on, then. We better order before the kitchen gets busy.”

The good thing about owning the hotel is that the staff are very expedient with their service. It’s not long after we order that the butler delivers our dinner, and while I bathe the little devil, Summer insists on cleaning up the mess we made.

I’m heading out of Easton’s room when I spot her on the floor. She’s got notebooks, a file, and her laptop all laid out in front of her. Kicking her legs in the air, she hums that same song from the night we almost kissed. A night I wish I could go back to and change the outcome.

“Is that your kink, Hawthorne? Watching me?”

“Does it turn you on?” I meander to the couch and sit back into the plush cushions.

Closing her notebook, she tucks it into her file before shutting the laptop and stacking it on top.

“You want to find out?” Summer lifts up onto her knees, sitting back onto her heels as I trace the V of her dress with my gaze.