Page 89 of Need 2 Have U

“It’s going to be so fucking hard trying to keep my hands off you.”

“Then don’t. Don’t try. I like it when you touch me. Fuck, Parker,” she whines as I cup her pussy and rub along her wet slit. “Nothing is better than this.”

“No, it isn’t. Nothing is anywhere near as good as being inside you…as loving you.”

Unbuckling my belt with one hand, I continue stroking her with the other. Meanwhile, her nimble fingers unbutton my shirt.

Toeing my shoes off, I awkwardly do the same to my socks before tugging myself free of my jeans. It’s not my most refined instant, but I’m still overwhelmed and overjoyed and all these things I never thought I would feel when this moment came. I’m so damn excited that my composure has completely gone out of the window.

When we’re both naked, I take a second to take her in. Every inch of beautifully freckled skin. Every sinuous curve. The clenching of her stomach as she drags in breath after breath, making her piercing jiggle in her navel.

“When you look at me like that…” she stutters. “Oh God, Parker, every part of me is on fire.”

“Good,” I growl back at her as she falls back, bracing herself on her forearms while I tug her to the edge of the desk and then press my throbbing dick to her slick cunt. “Me too, baby. Every fucking second of every goddamned day, you got me hot for you…and now, I have no clue how I’m ever going to let you leave my side.”

With a breathy giggle, Summer squirms as I trail my fingers to her belly. I’d be lying if I said I’m not shitting myself over having another kid. But having another kid with Summer is something I’ve thought a lot about over the last year. I’ve never met someone with so much love to give.

“I love you so damn much,” she says, tears coating her words as I lower myself over her.

With her legs wrapping around my waist, she shuffles lower so that we’re nose to nose, and all it takes is a slow thrust to shallow inside her.

“I love you more than I can ever tell you…” White-hot need robs me of my breath as my heart drums with the yearning to jump right out of my chest and into hers. “More than you will ever know.”

Every time I plunge inside her is just as marveling as the first, and somehow it’s better. It never gets old. This ache inside me is never pacified or sated. It keeps growing, and now that I know my baby is growing inside her, it’s more consuming than ever.

With every kiss, I push deeper inside her, doing what I promised I would for the rest of my life—I show her everything she means to me until we’re both breathless and boneless and the desk becomes the floor. The floor becomes our bed, and she’s wrapped in my arms. Her hair tickles my chest while we make the most of the calm.

“What if we have a boy?”

“Then you’re seriously outnumbered,” I chuckle, tracing lazy circles on her back.

“Pfft…please! Even if he was all you, I’d still have Easton.”

“That you do. He’s a mommy’s boy for sure.”

As always, she smiles big at that, but not as big as when he calls her Mommy.

“It doesn’t matter if we have a boy or a girl, Summer—you’re a wonderful mother, and they will be lucky to have you, like I am. In fact…” I roll her onto her back and brace myself over her, blowing a raspberry to the nook of her neck. “I’m only bummed that I’m going to have to share you with another person.”

Looking up at me with flushed cheeks, she holds my face between her hands. “But I’ll only ever be yours. All yours, no matter how many babies we make.”

“You’ve always been mine.”

Lifting her face to mine, she kisses me. “Always.”

My lips pucker on the tip of her nose as I inhale her soft scent that’s tinged with mine. There’s never been something or anyone this beautiful as I tell her, “Forever, my gorgeous girl.”

“And ever and ever and ever…”

“Every second of every minute of the rest of our life.”

This incredible life we’re building together. A happy ending that’s only really a wonderful beginning.