Page 9 of Flame

“It’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?” I snap at him at the same time as Christopher slaps his phone down on the table.

“We need to do something about all this stalker shit with the paps. They’re outside the house again, and it’s only going to get worse now that George is staying with us.” It takes him a moment to catch up with the atmosphere. When he does, he drags in a deep breath, turning his glare on me. “Thanks for that.”

“I told her to come stay with us, but the commute was a big no.” Casper shrugs at him as if to say he tried.

“She’s not a fucking problem. It’s the bastards camping outside and—”

“You need to get extra security.” The two of them look at me with worry blatant in their eyes, even if they’re both still evidently pissed at me. Well, it’s only going to get worse. “It’s not just paps. We’re being watched. The night I took Georgina home after dinner, they were waiting outside your place, and when they took off, they snapped a photo. It was that same van that was in the footage.”

“What the fuck is going on, and why haven’t you said anything?” Christopher pushes to his feet, grabbing his phone no doubt to call Francis. Fuming, he points between me and Casper, “This is why the two of you need to work your shit out.”

“We figured it out last night,” Leo tells him, shutting his laptop. “Why do you think we’re doing this tonight? I don’t want to fucking be here after I spent most of my day fending off Emily and her ridiculous cathedral wedding plans because Cass is freaking out. I should be at home making sure she gets what she wants, but instead, I’m here like a spare prick at a party because the three amigos can’t get their fucking shit together.”

It all falls silent. You could hear a pin drop.

“Right, then.” Leo blows out a breath while Casper, Christopher, and I look between ourselves. “We need to ramp up security while we figure out this puppet, doll, whatever the fuck shit this is. Cassie and I are getting married in a few months, and this needs to be done.” As Christopher steps out of the room on his phone, Leo glances between Casper and me. “For the love of God, if you need to go a few rounds, have at it. Christopher is right—this shit is going to costs us if we don’t nip it in the bud soon.”

“We’re done here anyway,” Casper retorts, getting to his feet. “I’ll take care of security with Francis.”

“You need to make sure that she’s covered from all angles, and there needs to be someone posted at her dressing room all the time, even when she’s on the stage. And there needs to be more than one person on either side at the wings because it gets fucking crazy behind the scenes, and it’s so easy to lose sigh—”

“Don’t tell me how to do my job,” he spits at me as he heads for the door at the same time as Christopher comes back into the room. “Don’t fucking tell me how to protect my sister or you’ll be the first cunt I take out.”

It doesn’t matter if it’s his job or if Georgina is his sister, I need to make sure that she’s safe myself, and if I have to pull the family card with Francis, I will.

“Do I want to know?” he asks Leo as he packs his laptop in his briefcase.

“Probably not.”

Before he can blow a fuse at me, I leave the room, grabbing my shit from my office before I call Francis. Casper will be on this quick, and if he’s not going to listen to me, I’ll go over his head.

“Freddie,” Francis drawls over the phone as though he already knows what I’m calling for.

“Whatever he’s said or he’s planned, she needs more. That plane is huge, full of dark corners and crannies you can hide in. There are people everywhere, enough that unless you know who they are, any bastard can slip past you.”

“Noted.” That’s all he replies.

“What do you mean noted? You need to make sure that every exit is manned, and—”

“Fred, if you are that invested in Georgina’s safety, I suggest that you find a way of working with Casper. I’m not your pawn or your middleman.”

“Fine, I’ll pay for any extra men you need.”

A chuckle rumbles from him as I leave the office and make my way to my car. “It’s not about money or manpower. I won’t spare any resource, and Casper isn’t going to scrimp on his sister. If every exit needs to be manned, it will be. If the stage needs to be covered from all angles, it will be. We will make sure that Georgina is safe.”

“Great,” I assert, and the weight on my shoulders eases slightly. It may not make much difference, however, the knowledge that she will be fully protected helps me quell my racing thoughts.

“Penny’s doing dinner on Saturday night. We want you to come.”

“I…I can’t. I have plans.”

“Freddie, now’s not the time for you to go rogue.” The worry in his voice is palpable. Normally, it would irk me; today, though, it’s not actually so bad. Francis has been everything a father should be to me, and it’s not often that he tries to meddle in my affairs.

“I’m not going rogue. I…”

“You have plans.”

“It’s closing night.”