Page 61 of Flame

“He’s a cunt,” Freddie groans. “Figures he’s Christopher’s, right?”

“I don’t know, seems more temperamental like you.”

“Temperamental!” Spinning me to face him, he levels me with a quizzical glare.

“Fine. Mercurial, then.”

“Same fucking thing!” he grits out at me as the horse inches forward to nudge the side of his face with its nose. “All right, you bastard. Give it a rest, Bam Bam!”

“Bam Bam?” Another giggle blusters from my lips.

What an odd name for a horse.

“Yeah, because according to Christopher, he’s so fast that Bam! one minute he’s here and then Bam! the next he’s gone.”

“Huh, that’s kind of clever. I like that.”

Freddie’s face falls, and my heart instantly begins to race. I’m about to look around us for the source of his dismay when he demands, “Take it back.”

“What? Take what back?”

“You’re my girlfriend—you’re not allowed to think anything he does is clever or remotely great. He’s a prick.”

Awe, shock, and surprise silence me while I replay his words to make sure I heard him correctly. With every resound of them, my heart races a little faster until it’s in a full-blown gallop in my chest, and I’m pretty certain that the horses can feel it and hear it because their neighs become louder. Bam Bam stares me out as though he’s expecting me to pass out.

His girlfriend.

“Cat got your tongue?” he asks with an amused cock of his eyebrow.

“Is that what I am? Your girlfriend?”

The question makes him smile broader. Pulling me flush to him, he feeds what’s left of the apple in his hand to the stallion snorting with impatience.

“Shut it, shithead,” he tells him without looking away from me while cupping my face. “We’re having a moment here.”

The stickiness of the fruit juice on his palm feels cool against my heated cheek. However, his closeness is all I can focus on when he presses a kiss to my forehead. Dragging his plush lips down the bridge of my nose, he nips the tip before pulling back a fraction to ogle me.

“You really are something spectacular, you know that?” The question throws me through a loop with all the other things he’s spoken still whirring around my head, making my blood rush through me. My pulse thrums heatedly through my veins. “And you are all mine. My stunning swan. My remarkable heart. But for the sake of anyone that needs to know what we are, you’re my girlfriend. And now, I’m going to take you home.”


“Good. I’m glad that’s settled, then.” Perhaps I’m imagining things, but he seems as giddy as I am right now.

Taking my hand, he guides me to the stall at the very back, and without releasing my hand, he rolls the door open. I wait with him for a silent beat before he leans to the side and peers inside.

“Come on, Beck, don’t be shy.” The horse sighs loudly. “Come on, bud, I promise she only bites when you fuck her hard, and you’re not her type, so…”

“Oh my God, are you serious?” Clawing my nails into the back of his hand, I look around us to make sure that we are alone.

“What? It’s the truth, isn’t it?” Freddie smirks down at me as the bay-coloured stallion trots out in front of us. “There he is. Swan, meet Beck. He’s a—”

“Lusitano.” The gasp escapes me as I take in the beautiful creature in front of me, tall with its arched neck sitting high as it follows me with its expressive eyes.

“Well, this is new. Who knew you were an equine geek?”

“My grandfather only ever rides a Lusitano. I used to think that it was because they’re a Portuguese breed, so he was being patriotic or something, but they’re actually the eldest breed in the world. Most modern breeds are a cross of these pretties.”

When I stroke down the horse’s unique Roman nose, he rests his lip on my shoulder, sniffing. Exactly like Bruno used to do when I went riding with my grandfather.