Page 20 of Flame

“Lucy’s gone.”

“What the fuck do you mean she’s gone?” I bark back as I put him on speaker and head upstairs to the office, taking two steps at a time as Christopher follows behind me.

“What’s going on?” he asks as I wake up my machine and open up the tracking programme.

“Lucian’s trying to keep up. He’s been watching the facility with another of the guys, but by the time they raised the alarm, it was too late.” Casper’s horn sounds loud, and the slew of curses that follow tell me that we’re about to get dirty. “Francis is at the facility making sure none of this leaks, but it sounds like some of the staff were injured, and one of the doctors was taken out.”

“I put a tracker on her, but Lucian needs to stay on their tail because looks like they’re heading to Biggin Hill runway. If they get her out of the country, we’re never setting eyes on her again.”

“I’ll get the helo on the way with backup. It’s getting dark, so we need to get a move on. Let’s go, I’m outside.”

I’m racing down the stairs as fast as my feet will take me, and my head is nagging me to check on Georgina. My chest squeezes tighter and tighter with every second that I don’t. When I reach the bottom, I pop the third step to pull out the emergency artillery. While I sort through the guns, vests, and extra magazines, Christopher swings over the bannister, filling Leo in even though he already seems in the loop as he holds up his phone and starts for the front door with him in tow.

“It’s fine, Dad,” he tells Lucian as I hand him and Christopher a Glock and a bulletproof vest before grabbing my own and heading to my car.

Casper has already parked his Range beside Leo’s car and is waiting by my Merc.

“We’re following, and backup is on its way.” Leo gets in the Maserati, and as Christopher is about to follow, I pause.

“Go home,” I tell him.

“Are you mad?” he bites back at me.

“You promised you wouldn’t put yourself at risk. Go back to your wife.”

“Unnecessary. This does not fall into that category. Let’s go!” Without another second to waste, he gets in Leo’s car, and they pull out, waiting to follow Casper and me.

“I need to check on Georgina,” I blurt as I rev the Merc to life and manoeuvre it out, tearing away from my place while I get the tracking app up on my phone.

“Done. She’s with Cooper, and they have a full detail.” Casper slots the case of his rifle into the back shelf.

“I need to check on her, so fucking call Coop!”

He does as I snapped at him, giving me that exasperated look of his like he hasn’t called Ryan to make sure Fleur’s detail is tight.

While he pulls his phone from his pocket, Casper asks, “You all right?”

“Fine.” It’s a barefaced lie because this fucking distance between me and Georgina is killing me. I can’t protect her when I’m close, and I can’t protect her when we’re apart.

It was different when she was with me though. Different when I could hear her in the room next door. When I could watch her go about her life and be certain that she really was okay and safe. And I was there to come between her and—

“Fucking call him!”

The phone rings and rings, and there’s no answer.

“Call him back!”

“Focus on the fucking road, and let me deal with the phone,” he grits at me.

“If anything happens to her…”

“Nothing is going to happen because you made sure that she’s got the fucking best person covering her back. She has a whole fucking team that you hand-picked, so get your head in the fucking game and get moving!”

I hope he’s right, because of all the blood that I’ve spilt, this world is still to see my worst.

Chapter 5