Page 104 of Flame

Forever and beyond. In this world and the next.

Epilogue II


Three years after…

The echoes of the murmurs behind us are beginning to make me sweat as I focus on all the white roses ahead of us. I don’t know why I agreed to all this.

Correction: I do.

That’s why. I want Georgina to have everything she’s ever dreamed of, and if part of that is making Emily happy with a big church wedding, then she gets it. She got it. It’s why I’m standing here, staring at Father Byrne as Casper rocks back and forth, from toes to heels, checking his watch every two seconds.

“Maybe she changed her mind.” He shrugs, purposefully knocking into me. “Took her long enough.”

“I’m fucking changing my mind.”

“Should I let Fleur know?”

I’m surprised she managed to make it to her seat. We all had bets on for her to drop this morning or something. This kid is hanging in there though. After Beatrix decided to pop early, we weren’t expecting her to last this long with this girl. I thought Casper was actually going to cry when they found out.

“Well?” he chuckles smugly.

“I’m changing my mind about you as my best man…prick!” My glare meets his smirk, and really I could deck him right in the hooter for antagonising my anxiety. It’s bad enough that my mother and her family are sitting somewhere in the pews behind us.

While we were in New York, she made a point of going to watch Georgina, and after that it seemed wrong not to acknowledge her. Especially after Carmichael told me she’s sick. I’m amazed she made it today.

“Why did you let Georgina invite them?” Casper asks as I look over my shoulder, scanning the guests until I find the three of them—Alice, Carmichael, and their son, Astor.

I knew we looked alike from the photos I’ve seen of him before. However, in person, it’s almost like looking in the mirror and seeing twenty-two-year-old me staring back.

“Because your sister wants peace, and hating Alice is pointless now.”

“Yeah.” He nods, glancing down at his feet with a smile. “She’s making you soft.”

“Don’t push it, dickwad.” Contrary to my snappy remark, I bite back my grin. “You’re the one with all the girls.”

My eyes flit over his shoulder to where Fleur, Georgina’s grandparents—Filipe and Beatriz—and Emily are sitting in the front row with Francis, Penny, Cassie, and Leo. He’s got Leila on his lap as she dribbles along to the bounce of his legs. With the exception of her green eyes, she looks exactly like Cassie when she was a baby.

Penny is in her element with so many girls to fawn over, and now that Francis has stepped back from the security firm, they’re having a whale of a time spoiling all the kids. Four—almost five—mini divas and princesses later, I’m surprised he hasn’t begged Casper to give him his office back.

Leila looks up at me as I turn to look around the packed church, and when I stick my tongue out at her, she yells, “No!”

I’ll never admit it out loud, but she’s my favourite. Mostly because she has her mother’s nature, always in her own little world, and she loves a silent cuddle. Not to mention that she adores Georgina. Every time she sees her, she sticks to her like glue. I think it’s the only time Leo gets a proper break.

“Di-di…” she starts to call at me with a cluck at the end which makes it sound like she’s yelling dick non-stop, and Cassie is so mortified that Leo has no choice but to get up and bring her over so she stops.

“I told you not to make eye contact,” Leo groans as she lifts her hand, holding it up for a high five. “Now I’m going to have to spend the rest of the service trying to stop her from calling you so people don’t think my child is obsessed with dick.”


“Or maybe she’s already got him pegged,” Casper laughs, wiggling his fingers in front of her.

Like her mum, she’s instantly hypnotised by the art tattooed on his hands.

“You’re just jealous that I’m her favourite, arsehole.”

“Language!” he snaps at me. “Have some respect. You’re in the house of God.”