Page 9 of Claiming Love

“That’s why he’s so protective of me. He already lost my mom; he can’t lose me, too. At least, that’s how it started. He pulled me out of school and had me do homeschooling and online classes. I had to beg him to let me get my driver’s license, but even so, he only lets me drive a few times a year. Lately, his demands seem less out of love and more out of… I don’t know. Paranoia? It’s like he wants to control me and keep me locked away from the world.”

“And what do you want?” I ask, tucking a few strands of her auburn hair behind her ear. That light pink blush appears, and damn if I don’t lean down and kiss both her cheeks.

“I want to be free,” she says wistfully. “I want to experience life, go on adventures, and jump in a lake just because I feel like it. I want to be able to set my own schedule and not ask permission to do every little thing. I want… I want to spend more time with you.”

I can’t help the cheesy grin stretching across my lips. “I want all of that for you, too, sweet girl. I promise we’ll spend plenty of time together.”

Jordan nods and then rests her head on my shoulder. We sit in silence, knowing our time is coming to an end. I know I can’t take her home with me tonight, but one day soon, she’ll be all mine.



The bell above the door rings, alerting me to a customer. It’s been a pretty slow day so far at the store, which is fine by me. I’ve had plenty of time to think about Huxley and our date last night. I keep waiting for him to realize I’m not worth all the effort he’s putting in, but so far, he keeps coming back.

“Hi there,” I say as I spin around from where I was dusting off one of the display cases.

My eyes land on a tall, bearded man I recognize as Huxley’s friend from the first day he stopped by. My heart kicks into high gear as I peer around the giant of a man, hoping to see a familiar smile and bright teal eyes.

“He’s right behind me,” the man mumbles, not even asking who I’m looking for.

My cheeks heat at how obvious I’m being, but all that fades away the second Huxley walks through the door.

“Jordan,” Huxley exclaims, his face barely able to contain his grin.

I’m still not used to people being excited to see me. It takes me a second to notice the gorgeous flowers he’s holding.

“Those are beautiful,” I gasp, my eyes wandering over the colorful array of blooms.

“Not nearly as beautiful as you,” he says smoothly as he hands me the flowers.

His friend makes a gagging noise, and I giggle.

“That’s kind of cheesy,” I tell him, even though I don’t mind one bit. Who doesn’t love cheese? “No one has ever given me flowers before,” I add softly as I continue to admire my gift. When I look up at Huxley, his eyebrows are drawn down, and he’s giving me a sympathetic smile. “That’s pretty pathetic, huh?”

I try looking away from him, but Huxley doesn’t let me hide. He takes the bouquet from my hands and sets it down on the counter before turning back to me. He offers me his hand, which I’ve noticed he does a lot. I think it’s his way of letting me know I always have a choice. He has no idea what that means to me.

Like always, I slip my hand in his, letting him pull me closer. I’m thankful my dad is at the bank dropping off our cash deposit from yesterday, but I know he’ll be back soon. Still, I’ll soak up whatever time I have with Huxley.

“Nothing about you is pathetic, Jordan,” he tells me, his voice firm but gentle at the same time. “I’m sorry no one has ever cared for you like this, but I’m happy I get to be the one to spoil you.”

God, this man. How did I find him? Oh, that’s right. He found me. Walked right up to me and turned my whole world upside down.

“Now,” Huxley says, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he gathers my hands in his and rests them on his chest. “Can I take you on another date tonight? I have the perfect spot in mind.”

My heart sinks as I look up into those teal eyes filled with hope and excitement. There’s no way my dad will let me go out two nights in a row. I chew on my bottom lip, trying to figure out a way to tell Huxley that without sounding like the lamest twenty-one-year-old in the world.

“I don’t know…” I start, my breath hitching in my throat. I hate this. I hate that my father is making me choose between living the life I want while lying to him or submitting to his demands and never leaving his side.

“Hey,” Huxley murmurs. “What’s going on in your head right now? You look like you’re about to cry.”

“My dad… but that’s so stupid. And I…I mean…” I sniffle a bit but manage to keep my tears at bay.

Huxley has me folded into his arms in the next second. He cradles me in his embrace, covering me with all his strength. I breathe him in, letting him soothe every part of my broken heart.

“It must be hard to break away from your father,” he whispers. “But I’m so proud of you for trying new things and letting me take you out last night.” I nod as I snuggle further into his chest. He smells so good, and my muscles relax more and more the longer I’m in his arms. “Do you trust me?”

I manage to peel myself away from Huxley momentarily, wanting him to see the truth of my answer. “With all of me,” I say, never meaning anything more in my life.