Page 2 of Claiming Love

“It’s okay. It’s my fault for sneaking up on you,” I say with what I hope is a charming smile. It’s been a while since I’ve had a reason to smile, but I used to be someone who laughed and smiled a lot. I guess it’ll take some time to get back to that person.

“No, I shouldn’t have been reading on the job. My dad…” She trails off, looking over her shoulder toward a door that I assume opens into a back room of sorts. The woman hesitates, then decides not to finish her sentence. “Anyway, I should have been paying attention,” she says, unable to meet my eyes.

I don’t like it. I find that I want her eyes on me at all times. How can I be this worked up over a woman I’ve spoken all of ten words to?

She starts unloading the basket I set on the counter, ringing up the items one by one. I open my mouth and then close it, wanting to say something, anything to get her attention.

“I’m Huxley,” I announce, my voice booming at a volume I can’t seem to control.

My hand moves on its own, reaching over the counter in what I think is supposed to be a handshake. Why am I so awkward? I used to know how to talk to people. That’s another skill I apparently lost to the military.

The woman winces slightly, and I want to punch myself in the face for scaring her. Then, the most magical thing happens; she smiles.

Sparkling green eyes meet mine, making my chest ache. “I’m Jordan,” she replies softly.

“Jordan,” I repeat. Her cheeks glow with the lightest shade of pink, making the freckles dotting her cheeks and nose stand out. I get the urge to kiss each one and then devour her sexy little mouth. Instead of doing that, I ask her how long she’s worked at the hardware store.

“For as long as I can remember,” she replies, huffing out a breath. It makes her hair fan out over her face, and I have to shove my hands in my pocket to keep myself from sweeping it away from her eyes and tucking it behind her ear. “My father is Gregg, as in Gregg’s Hardware. His father was also named Gregg, and he’s the one who first opened this place.”

“Ah, it was destiny then,” I tell her with a wink. Her cheeks turn from a pinkish hue to a darker red. I can’t tell if she’s shy or if she likes the attention. Maybe a bit of both. Interesting.

“More like the only option for income in a dying town,” Jordan quips, keeping her voice low, I assume, so her father doesn’t hear.

I chuckle, which makes the lovely, adorable, and irresistible Jordan smile up at me once more. This time, her green eyes are peering at me in fascination. I don’t know her story, but I can already tell there’s far more to this woman than working at her father’s hardware store. I want to find out everything about her as soon as possible, but I get the feeling that would be too much for this precious girl.

“Either way, I’m glad you’re here,” I say.

She tilts her head, which is about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I don’t know the last time I used that word or any of the words I used to describe Jordan. She draws them out of me without even trying. I already want to shower her in praise and see how far down that blush goes…

“Why?” Jordan asks, her brows furrowing in confusion.

“So we could meet,” I answer confidently.

Her eyes widen, and I worry for a moment I’m coming on too strong. I haven’t dated anyone since fuckin’ high school, so yeah, I’m a bit rusty.

My time in the Army Rangers kept me plenty busy, and I’ve never cared all that much about having a partner, a companion in life. Relationships seemed like a lot of work, and from what I’ve seen, they usually end in heartbreak. I didn’t understand until now. When it’s the right person, it’s worth the risk of a broken heart.

Besides, I’m not planning on breaking her heart. I want to protect it, keep it safe, and one day, when Jordan is ready, I want her to trust me with it forever.

Forever? Am I fucking losing it?

One look at Jordan, and I know I’m right. I feel it all the way down to the very core of me. She’s mine. Now I just have to convince her of it.

Just then, the bell above the door rings, and we both turn and watch Cassian enter the store. He tips his chin up in the universal sign for Let’s get the fuck out of here. I can tell he’s anxious to get back to the safety and solitude of the mountain, and we still have one more stop before we can head home.

Jordan finishes ringing me up, and I hand her my card to pay for everything. I’m about to ask her for her number, or possibly for her to marry me right here, right now, when a man emerges from the back room. He has the same green eyes as Jordan, though his are faded and tired. The man is probably in his fifties, which makes me think this is her father, Gregg.

My woman stiffens, every muscle in her body tensing as she swallows hard. I don’t like it. No one should have that kind of physical reaction to their parent. I suppress the growl lodged in my throat. I already don’t like him.

“Jordan,” he clips out.

Her shoulders scrunch up to her ears and she closes her eyes as if waiting for him to reprimand her.

“Go in the back and finish logging the inventory from our last order.”

She pops one eye open, looking at me apologetically. I give her a reassuring smile instead of leaping over the counter and punching her father in the face. That wouldn’t help the situation. Plus, I get the sense it would scare my already shy girl off. I can’t have that. Not when I just found her.

I catch a glimpse of Gregg’s stern, disapproving look as he rakes his eyes over me. I give him a nod, though I want to flip him off.