Page 7 of One Salty Beach

Chapter 5


It’s been over a week since Brody spent the night at my house and I still haven’t figured out a way to tell Ella about us without her freaking out on me. It’s not like I want to lie to her, but I’m scared once I tell her she’ll end our friendship. That’s a hard pill to swallow. I can tell Brody doesn’t like sneaking around either. He’s ready to tell everyone we’re together, but I keep telling him it isn’t the right time.

So now here I sit in the back office, staring at my computer, pretending to work so I don’t have to talk to Ella. I’m a monster and this secret is eating me alive. I’ve also been ignoring Brody all day because talking to him makes me feel even worse.

My phone buzzes and I pick it up. “Hey.”

“Hey, you’ve got a delivery,” Bria says excitedly.


“Yeah, so quit ignoring us and get your ass up here,” she giggles then hangs up.

Sliding my office chair back, I walk to the front of our shop to find a large bouquet of sunflowers and daisies in a beautiful glass vase.

Bria, Lola, and Ella are standing at the front desk, surrounding the vase.

“Does someone have a secret admirer?” Bria asks.

“Or maybe someone has a secret lover they haven’t told us about,” Lola laughs, wiggling her eyebrows.

I shake my head knowing exactly who they’re from. How could he do this after I asked him not to say anything?

“What’s wrong? I thought you’d be happy that someone sent you flowers.” Ella asks.

“It’s not that.”

Ella puts her hand on my shoulder and looks concerned. “Well then what is it? You don’t even know who they’re from.”

“There’s a card,” Bria says, plucking it out of the bouquet before I can grab it. “I miss you, love Brody,” Bria says, reading the card aloud.

My eyes go wide as do Lola and Ella’s as they realize who the card is from.

“Ooo, who’s Brody?” Bria asks with a smile on her face. Lola looks between Ella and me then elbows Bria in the side. “Ow, what the heck was that for?”

“Brody, as in my big brother?” Ella says. “Do I have that right, Winnie?”

I hang my head in shame. This is exactly what I thought was going to happen. I sigh and look up. “Yeah, they’re from your brother.”

“Why is my brother sending you flowers saying he misses you?” Ella accuses. I can tell she’s already figuring it out, but she wants to hear the words from me.

“I didn’t mean for it to happen, you have to believe me.”

“You didn’t mean for what to happen?” She asks, her voice getting louder with every word.

“I’m so sorry, Ella. I kept my distance when I realized how I felt about him. Then he found me walking to my apartment on the Fourth of July and gave me a ride. Then he kissed me, I mean, whoa, did he kiss me, and it was just everything…” Lola interrupts my rambling by clearing her throat. “Shit. Ella, please don’t be mad.”

Ella crosses her arms in front of her and raises one of her brows. Total resting bitch face if I’ve ever seen one. “Did you sleep with my brother, Winona?”


“So what is it? You sleep with him behind my back and don’t tell me about it? How long were you planning on keeping this from me?”

“Ella, it’s not like that. I love him.” I tell her, making Bria and Lola gasp like they’re watching an episode of Jerry Springer. I love them but they are making this way more dramatic than it needs to be. Thank God we don’t have any customers in the store at the moment. “Can we talk about this somewhere else, in private?” I ask.

“What’s left to talk about?” Ella asks with a bitchy attitude.