Page 5 of Bianca's Choice

“You sound pissed. What did he say?”

“He said if I wanted it I had to get married and have a kid first.”

Luca is quiet, but I hear my younger brother Enzo start laughing his ass off.

“Shut the fuck up,” I growl.

“He does know you right? How long has it been since you’ve even touched a woman?” Enzo laughs.

“Fuck you. Luca, I need Madame Lilith’s number.”

“Why? She runs an escort service, not a matchmaking firm,” Luca asks.

“I heard she’s about to run her Virgin Auction, I want in on it,” I say.

“I’ll get her number from one of the guys and send it to you,” Luca tells me.

“Thanks,” I say before hanging up.

Made men are complicated, and having a relationship with a woman who understands our life can be difficult. Sometimes it’s easier to pay for their company than worry about trying to keep a random woman’s mouth shut about things she doesn’t understand. Madame Lilith is who most of our Lieutenants and Capos turn to when they need someone to accompany them to an important dinner or just someone clean to spend time alone with. Her girls are always professional and the best there are. They know not to talk about whatever they see or hear when out with one of my father’s men. Now it’s my turn, only I’m not asking for one night.

As soon as Luca texts me her number I click on it to call.

“Virginal Acquisitions. What can I book for you tonight?”

“I need to speak with Madame Lilith.”

“I’m sorry, sir. She isn’t available, what can I do for you?” The sultry voice on the other end of the line asks.

“Tell her it’s Stefano Russo. I guarantee you, she’ll take my call,” I say in no mood to fuck around.

“One moment,” she says, placing me on hold.

Less than a minute later she’s back on the line. “I’m transferring your call right now, Mr. Russo.”

“Thank you.”

“Mr. Russo, excuse Keely, she’s instructed to take messages for me.”

“Understood. Madame Lilith, I know we haven’t officially met, but I have it on good authority you’ve worked with a number of my father’s men.”

“I have. My girls take good care of them. Is there a problem?”

“I have a problem and I need you to help me fix it.”

“Well, what can I do for you, Mr. Russo?” She asks.

“I need to find a wife, but not any wife. I need her to be pure. I’ve heard you hold a special auction once or twice a year.”

“Ahh, that I do. But I don’t think it’s what you're after.”

“Why is that?” I ask.

“I’m not selling brides, Mr. Russo. That would be illegal. I’m selling their virginity. These are good girls who need help securing a better future than what they’ve been given. I give them the opportunity to do that while offering men a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It benefits everyone involved.”

“I’d like in on the auction, please. If I don’t find wife material, I won’t bid.”

“Again, this isn’t for–”

“I don’t mean to be rude Madame Lilith, but I know what I’m doing. I’ll know if and when I see her if she’s the right one for me. I’ll make sure to make it worth her while, if I find her.”

“As you wish Mr. Russo. I’ll have Keely send over the information. The auction is in a week. Come to the address you’ll be given and wait in your car. Someone will come to get you when it’s time for the auction to begin.”

“Thank you. I look forward to working with you.”

“And I you,” she says before hanging up.

If I can’t find a wife here, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m not exactly looking to date anyone. I don’t have time for that.