Ever since the day I called him Tim, he’s been putting in the work, which is why I did it in the first place. Some days I have to remind him that he has a home to get back to because he’s on my ass like fleas on shit.
When the phone rang, he had just stepped into the shower after getting his dick dirty in my snatch, and I was in the middle of afterglow. “Where is Justin?” Click! I hung up on that idiot as soon as I heard her voice. She must’ve lost her damn mind.
I looked at the bedside clock. Another ten minutes or so before the kids wake up. Her call had revived me when I thought I was done for the day because Justin can fuck now; not gonna lie. I sauntered my happy ass into the shower with him and showed him with a hand on his head, just what I wanted.
It's been a while since I stood in my shower with my husband on his knees in front of me, eating me out while the hot water from all six jets rained down on us. I filled his mouth with pussy juice on thoughts of her at home going crazy, wondering where he was and what he was doing. Welcome to the club bitch.
I let him do me in the shower from behind and left his knees weak with my Kegel antics before it was time to see about my kids. “I’ll make breakfast.”
“That’s nice.” This fucker never boiled an egg in all the years we were married; now he’s Emeril Lagasse.
I stayed back to clean myself up while he left to get dressed. I wonder if that fool he was messing around with realized that half of his shit had made its way back into my closet. He’s been leaving his shit here like I wouldn’t notice, but I’ve got something for his ass.
I took my time getting dressed and was almost done when he came back into the bedroom.
“You look nice. Going somewhere?” I wonder where he got the nerve.
“Where are the kids?”
“The kids are up, fed, and dressed, ready to leave for the weekend. So, you going somewhere?”
“As a matter of fact.” I put on the last pair of diamond earrings he’d bought me as a push present when my youngest daughter was born and slipped my feet into the fuck me heels I was planning to wear.
I wasn’t dressed too sexy or anything, seeing as it was nine in the morning. But the almost hot pink outfit did wonders for my complexion. The silk blouse fit just right around my breasts and hugged my middle, while the underwire in my bra was working overtime.
I’d paired the top with silk palazzo pants that hugged my hips and flared off my ass down to my ankles. I finished myself off with a spritz of fuck me juice, aka perfume, and walked past him, leaving him in my bedroom looking like looptey- doo.
“Where are you going?”
“Why does it matter? Don’t you have to get back home?” I hadn’t told him that his bitch had called my phone looking for him after he turned his off. But I was sure she was going to have his ass as soon as he walked through the door. As long as my kids don’t come home with stories, we’re good.
Now, I know this clown very well, so I was very sure after kicking him out of my house that he was going to spy on me. That’s why I’d made the appointment with the contractor for five minutes after he left.
The doorbell rang right on time, and I wish I was the kind of woman to just drop her panties for anything with a dick because this man is fine as all get out. But too sad, I was in the middle of letting my ex breed me to put a monkey wrench in his shit, and I don’t want to muddy the waters. I’m no skank, after all.
“Oh, hi, right on time. Would you like a cup of coffee before we start?” Now, I’m not leading this poor man on; he just happened to get caught in the crossfire. Besides, I happened to know he was in love with his fiancée, who introduced us, so it was safe.
“That sounds great. Your home is gorgeous.”
“Thank you. Come right through to the kitchen we can set up in there. How’s Cindy?”
“She’s great. She went wedding dress shopping with her mom and mine this morning.”
“How fun.” I put on the coffee while counting down in my head. I didn’t make it to ten when my front door came busting open, and a storm blew in.
“What’s the matter? Did you forget something? Are the kids okay?” Butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth.
It's like I wasn’t even there. His whole focus was on this man who came here to work on my basement. “Justin Campbell, and you are?” He held out his hand to Jonathan, who took it with a pleasant smile. Poor thing, he doesn’t know our story and is completely unaware that he was caught in the middle of my drama.
“Campbell? Oh, I didn’t know you were married.” Jon turned a perplexed look my way.
“I’m not.”
“She’s….” I gave Justin a questioning look at his response. What the hell was he about to say?
“Shouldn’t you get back out there with the kids? I’ll walk you out. The coffee should be ready, Jon; help yourself.”