Page 34 of Cord SEAL

“We’re taking them to the beach, let the fuckers who sent them find them. I’m sure they have some kind of tracking device on them, and since these fucks want to remain hidden they’re not gonna want anything that can lead back to them out in the open.”

I went through their pockets first to see if they were dumb enough to carry ID on an OP and was disgusted to see that they had. What kind of amateur bullshit was this? So far our opponents had proven themselves to be smart, but this was a huge mistake. Maybe they were getting nervous because we were getting too close, who knows. “Not military.” Punk ass. I passed the IDs off to Lo.

I went back to her pulling her into my arms. “Go with the guys, I’ll be home soon. Go straight to my place, the door’s open.” After kissing her on the forehead I left her with the only men I’d ever trust her with and went to dispose of the bodies. I wasn’t even thinking of them or the fact that I’d taken their lives. The fuck were they doing in her house?

This changes everything. When shit started going south I’d let Lo make the plays. I was happy to stick to the status quo, to let things run the way they always have. But there was no way after tonight that I was letting anyone else call the shots, not where my woman is concerned. As soon as I stash her at my place I’m going on the hunt, this shit ends now.


The good thing about deserted streets is that no one was around to see us lugging their bodies down to the water. I kept my senses open just in case these two had backup. If we were dealing with the people we suspected, then they ought to know that I was going to retaliate. I didn’t kid myself that these fucks didn’t know everything there was to know about us, down to the last detail. It’s what I would’ve done in an operation like this.

But something else was very troubling. How did they know she was in that house tonight? She hadn’t been home in a while, so either they’d been watching, or someone tipped them off. The thought made my blood run cold.

I was sure it didn’t come from the compound. We had enough safeguards in place to ensure that nothing got in or out of there without our say-so. Candy wasn’t coming and going from the office anymore, plus we had her covered for her own safety just in case they thought to go after her. So who or how?

It didn’t matter this was on me. I should’ve followed my mind. I knew better, she was already a target, not only because her face had been in that book, but also because she’s mine. I fucked up royally but that shit’s never gonna happen again.

I wouldn’t even let myself think of what ifs as I moved through the night. It was enough that they’d got too fucking close.

Now that it was over and I could breathe again, my mind went to the next step, finding the motherfucker who’d sent them and ending him. This shit might turn into a national crisis but I no longer cared. I’d given my sweat and blood for these assholes, no way was I letting them get away with this shit. She’s just a girl for fuck sake.

Ty and I made short work of staking the bodies out for their buddies to find. I had no doubt that whoever had sent them would be in touch, since we seemed to be playing a game of cat and mouse with these fucks.

It was the ass end of midnight, so there was no danger of innocents wandering around down here, no worries. I took one last look at them before turning away.

There were no words passed between Ty and I as we walked away, but you could all but taste the anger in the air. We’ve never been in combat where the enemy was targeting us directly. The fact that this shit seemed to be geared more against our women than us, meant the stakes was higher.

We’re warriors, we know how to protect ourselves, and each other, our women should be shielded from this shit. The fact that they were going after them put a different spin on things. They didn’t have any dealings with the old man, except for Susie and Nessa, so why go after the others?

Because it wasn’t about that. The shit circled back to us. The idea that it was because of what we’d done under the old man’s command made sense. Still, why our women? Why not come at us?

If the fucks were coming at mine they were shit outta luck, they’d chosen the wrong one this go round. My give a fuck meter stays on empty. Unlike my brothers who may still retain a modicum of patience and loyalty, I have none. Not when it comes to her. They’d have been better off coming at me head on. Now they’d fucked themselves because their days were numbered, ex presidents or not.

We hurried back to the compound where we found the others waiting for us. The women were rallying around my girl and her little brother, while my brothers stood watch. With just a nod I let them know that shit had been taken care of before reaching for her.

Everyone was gathered in my house because I’d told her to be there when I got back. I was happy to see that she’d followed orders and not let her sisters talk her into doing different. She was scared and shaken and I knew she needed me, but there was a lot to be done before I could give her what she wanted.

Somebody had put on a big pot of coffee and my sisters were bustling around my kitchen putting shit together. That’s the women’s answer for everything; it’s their coping mechanism, food. Even though it was the middle of the night no one was going back to sleep any time soon.

I looked around at all of them, at my brothers and the way they were trying to soothe their women’s fears, thinking of how drastically our lives had changed in such a short space of time. Especially us men, we were damn near domesticated.

It helped to calm me down some as I looked at Ty rubbing Vicki’s tummy as he whispered in her ear, or the way Lo and Con were comforting their women. Zak had the baby on his hip and was soothing Nessa with his other hand as she looked ready to go to battle.

Lo motioned to me with his head and he and the others moved out of the kitchen headed for the backyard. I walked over to her chair. Someone had wrapped a blanket around her shoulders to help with the shakes. Taking her little face in my hands I studied her eyes; shock, but nothing we can’t handle.

I whispered words of comfort in her ear until I was sure she was going to be okay. “I’m right outside if you need me Gem. All you have to do if you get scared is call out and I’ll be right here.” I kissed her lips once before getting to my feet.

I hated leaving her again knowing that she was still scared and needed my reassurance, but it was imperative that we got in front of this shit before it went any farther. The fuckers had upped the ante this time. They’d thrown down the gauntlet. With one last pass of my palm against her soft cheek I left the house to go meet with my brothers in the yard out of range of the women.


“Quinn, what did you find?” I had no doubt that my brother had already used the IDs that we’d lifted off the humps to get started, and I wasn’t disappointed.

“Either they’re getting nervous or they’ve run out of enlisted assholes to forfeit. These two are ex cons with no military record that I could find. The one in the hallway went up for five to ten for armed robbery; he’s only been out three months. The other one did twenty for second-degree murder. Both from out of town.”

I took it all in while I seethed. “You know-I’ve held my cool for the last few months while these fucks ran rough shod over my family, but this is it. They want a war, well they’ve got one.” Didn’t we have this conversation just this morning? I felt like I was repeating myself, but this time no one was talking me down, I’d made up my mind.
