“She’s a woman. And I’m sure she’s involved.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Just... just the way she acted. We are fellow law enforcement professionals. There should have been a courtesy extended. I mean... there was, at first. But then I mentioned the pipeline and the Consortium, and she turned to ice before my eyes. She showed no respect for the trafficked women. She dehumanized them, as is often the case with those who exploit them.”
I find myself wishing I had been in the room to evaluate the chief for signs of deception. Still... Talyssa seems to know what she’s talking about, so I take her word for it. It’s not enough proof to snatch this police chief and pump her for info like we did Vukovic, but it’s good information nonetheless.
I ask, “Does it surprise you that women can be just as terrible as men?”
“No... I guess not. But in this type of crime? It’s just extra horrible that it is someone of the same sex doing the exploitation. Isn’t it?”
“It’s pretty bad.”
“What now?” she asks after a moment more collecting her thoughts.
“You gave them the address of your flat?”
“I did.”
“Then what comes next depends on your level of commitment.”
I’m watching the road while I drive in the direction of the Old Town, but when Talyssa doesn’t answer, I look to her. She is staring me down with anger, and I realize I just said the wrong thing. Quickly I add, “I didn’t mean to question your commitment to your sister. I just mean that the more risk you take tonight, the larger the chance that the opposition will take the bait.”
“What sort of risk?”
“Well, we can do this a couple of different ways. I can take you someplace where they won’t find you, and then I can haul ass back to overwatch your room. If they come for you tonight, I’ll be able to photograph them and, hopefully, identify them. Maybe even follow them back to somewhere associated with the crimes, or grab one of them tomorrow.”
“That sounds like a good plan. No?”
“It’s the safest for you, but there’s a way we can increase the odds they’ll make their move.”
“How do we do that?”
“We walk you through the city, with me trailing you. We make it obvious you’re here alone, and I look for someone tailing you. Then, tonight, we put you in your flat, just where you told them you’ll be.”
“And then they come to kidnap me?”
“Exactly. If the police have watchers or informants around your hotel, we’ll make it look so easy for them, they’ll have no reservations about snatching you.”
She bites her lower lip and closes her eyes as if she’s just willing this to all go away. “Are you making it too easy for them?”
“If you do as I say, I won’t let them get you.”
She replies, “If someone comes, how will you know it’s someone from the Consortium?”
“Let’s just say I have pretty good asshole radar.” This doesn’t translate well to Romanian, apparently, because I get no response. I add, “Trust me. I’ll know.”
“You ask for a lot of trust as a man who has told me little about himself.”
“That’s fair. What do you want to know?”
“What is your background?”
“Are you a member or former member of the U.S. military, American law enforcement, or an American intelligence agency?”
“I can’t answer that. Sorry.”