Court Gentry was the real VIP.
I try not to puke as our helicopter lurches up and down in the dark. Hanging on to the edge of the open hatch, I tell myself the fast-food tacos we all ate on the drive down from Bakersfield were a bad idea, and A.J. is an asshole for suggesting them.
But Carl, on the other hand, is a damn fine pilot, and I can feel his skill in the movements of the helo; he has a deft touch to his pedal controls and his cyclic, and I know this flight, as jarring as it is, could be a hell of a lot worse.
Eventually I hear the power come off and then the aircraft slows quickly and pulls into a hover, yanking me and the other outboard guys forward. Then Carl descends the few feet to the Earth, and the skids touch down. Dust swirls all around the darkness, so I can’t see a thing, but I know A.J. is unhooking his carabiner and leaping from the skid on the starboard side of the aircraft, dropping down to quickly set up a shooting position, more than a half mile from the rear of the property.
I know with our low flight and our distance that we still should be silent to our enemy, but once we get back up into the air and move forward a few hundred yards, that will no longer be the case.
We’re banking on the opposition not expecting us to hit tonight, via air, and with such force.
If we’re wrong, then we’ll probably get blasted out of the sky before this party even starts, so I try not to think about that.
I brush dust off my goggles again, and I look back inside the hatch towards the two men in the front seats. I can only see the back of Shep’s head; he’s leaning into the scope of his rifle, searching for targets on the roof of the distant building.
Carl’s wrinkled face, all the more wrinkled with the intensity of his focus on his windscreen and on the controls, is a mask of experience and determination. I recognize instantly that he is exactly where he wants to be, doing exactly what he wants, needs, to be doing.
For a brief second I feel the same, but then my mind shifts back into game mode. As I watch, Carl looks back over his shoulder, takes his hand off his collective, and holds a single gloved finger up into the air.
His voice crackles over the radio and into my ears.
“One minute out!”
The entire team repeats the call into our mics, and then we bring our weapons to our shoulders and scan forward in the darkness as best we can.
Here we go.
Ken Cage stood in the bedroom, still in his boxers, still half-covered with the sheen of sweat from his attack on the Hungarian girl five minutes before. In front of him, Maja stood nervously, her back to the wall, the black cocktail dress perfectly fitted to her perfect body.
He’d done nothing to calm her nerves.
“Take it off,” he demanded.
The Romanian hesitated, then said, “Look, sir, I am—”
“Take it off!” he shouted now.
She did as she was told, stood naked before him, her jaw quivering but her eyes remaining on his. Fixed. Proud. Afraid but resolute.
Cage said, “I’ll finish the job Claudia couldn’t manage on her own.”
Maja asked, “What job?”
The American smiled. Dropped his boxers, the Viagra he took hours before still on duty.
He looked her up and down and said, “I’ll wipe all that delicious defiance right out of your soul.” He moved towards her with aggression, his eyes wild with intensity, and he shoved her back against the wall. Pressing his body against hers, he slipped a hand over her face and covered her mouth and nose.
Behind Cage the door flew open and Sean Hall rushed in, a walkie-talkie in his hand and an intense look on his face. He wore a white tank top undershirt and jeans, sandals on his feet, and his pistol was jammed into his waistband.
Cage spun around, making no attempt to cover his manhood. “What the fuck, Sean?”
Hall raced forward, pulled a robe off the footstool at the end of the bed, and handed it to his boss. He grabbed Cage by the arm, pulling him naked towards the door to the hall while a nude Maja spun away and raced for the bathroom.
The bodyguard explained as the two men rushed into the hall. “External security says there’s a helicopter inbound, flying over the rear of the property with no lights. Until it’s ID’d, I’m moving you to a secure position!”