Page 105 of One Minute Out

“He knocked me out. I don’t know what he did in the room while I was unconscious. He didn’t kill me, because I wasn’t what he was after. It’s pretty obvious, even to me, that he came to kill the old man.”

Claudia regarded her closely, but Roxana didn’t waver.

Finally, the doctor said, “I am inclined to believe you. But John... I warned you about him. He will follow the Director’s orders, but I’d keep my eyes open if I were you.”

“Did you tell the old man to do what he did?”

“Of course not. But these are powerful men with powerful desires. I can’t control what they do, and neither can you. Honestly, though, I think what happened to you is for the best.”

“For the... best?”

“You needed to learn your place in all this. You have to give to get in this world, and you will be getting a lot of good things the moment you do your part.

“I hope this difficult lesson was... was beneficial.”

Roxana knew she needed to be the best actress she could be now. “I... I understand. I don’t want that to happen again.” She looked down at the floor, then lifted her eyes back to the American woman. “If the Director can protect me, then I will behave.”

Claudia smiled. “Very good. I am so pleased the program has helped educate you in all this. And just in time, too. The Director will be here this evening, and he wants to see you.”

The young Romanian fought tears until Claudia dabbed her face once more with the ice and then handed it to her. Then the American left the stateroom, and when the door closed, Roxana closed her eyes, holding the ice there on her temple where it throbbed.

Tom was coming here. Her entire objective in staying on the boat had been to learn who he was, where he was, and what was at the end of this entire pipeline. This information she’d have to get to her sister someway, but now that she knew the American Director was coming to her, she wondered how the hell she was supposed to contact her once she had what she needed.

She fought more tears and told herself to be strong. Her resolve had gotten her this far through this mess, and all she could do now was do her best.


I pull off the road less than ten kilometers south of Rovinj. My stolen Ford Focus rolls slowly along the rough shoulder as I peer into the darkness, but soon I see what I’m looking for. Talyssa comes out of the brush, waves at me, and then climbs into the passenger seat. She’d taken the boat along the shore, following La Primarosa with me on board, until her engine began to sputter, and then she’d beached the little craft and begun walking to the north.

She looks as exhausted as I feel, but her alert, hopeful, and expectant eyes belie all she’s been through.

“Are you okay?” she asks as we pull back on the road.

“Yeah.” I start to say more, but then I hesitate. I don’t know how to tell her what I need to tell her.

“You got on board, obviously.”

“I did.”

“Well... what did you see?”

Looking forward through the windshield as I drive through the morning, I say, “Your sister is alive.”

Glancing her way, I see her bring both hands to her mouth, and I can see her face redden, even here in the darkened car.

Finally, she asks, “You saw her?”

“I spoke with her.”

“Oh my God.”

“She is okay.” For now, I think, all but certain that things are only going to get worse for Roxana.

“But... where is she? I need to see her.”

“She’s... actually, she’s still on the yacht.”

Out of the corner of my eye I see her lower her hands to her lap. Her tone changes, becoming angry and challenging. “I don’t understand. Why didn’t you rescue her?”