Page 17 of Sworn to Lead

Now his hands were running up and down her arms and he’d moved back a fraction, his eyes glued to hers. She found her own reflection mirrored in the green depths, could see the spark of desperate hope in her eyes. She licked her lips involuntarily, and Neo’s gaze dropped to her mouth.

“I don’t want to do anything to hurt Jacob.” Her reply fell flat. She was aware that Neo would never hurt her or his brother, no matter how badly things ended.

“Brynn, I want a chance to get to know you as a woman, not just Jacob’s nurse. It’s fast—I get that. We’ve only known each other for a short time, but if you’ve lived like I have, seen how fleeting life can be, you know to reach out and grab the good when you see it. I want you to be under the same roof as us, to spend time together, both as the three of us and time with just me and you. Please, Brynn. Give it a shot, at least for a couple weeks, and if you still feel the same way, I will personally help you find a condo or home nearby.”

She took one breath then two. Just this morning, Neo had been questioning whether or not she’d gotten into some kind of trouble that she was now running from. It hit too close to home. Not being believed. The betrayal of her loved ones had etched a jagged scar of mistrust and insecurity down the length of her soul. Don’t let the actions of your parents and brother ruin you, sweet girl. Feel with your heart and soul. Words she’d long forgotten bubbled back to the surface. Her nana rocking her after she’d tended the wounds inflicted by her brother. She filled her lungs. “I’ll think about it.” That was the best she could offer right now.

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Thank you.” His breath tickled her cheek as he moved in closer and pressed his lips to her skin. A tingle shot through her at the simple contact. What would happen when his lips came to hers? If. Just because they’d admitted mutual attraction didn’t mean she should get ahead of herself and dream of promises and plans. “Come on.” His rough voice was deeper, like tires over gravel. “Let’s go outside before the guys decide to try out the pool, too.” He dropped his hands, breaking the connection between them. She immediately felt the loss of his touch and craved more. As if sensing her disappointment, he squeezed her hand, then released it before pulling open the sliding glass door. The sunshine cascading over the deck warmed her, but not as much as Neo’s words had. The second they stepped outside, Joker came striding toward them with a hard look on his face. “Need to talk to you.” His gaze cut to her, then back to Neo. “Alone.”

“Now?” Neo narrowed his eyes at Joker.

“It’s important.”

Neo’s chin dipped. “Fine.”

Brynn was already skirting around them. “I’ll see how Jacob is doing.” Unease prickled her skin. Joker’s glare had been meant for her alone, and the earlier conversation with Neo played over in her mind. Had Neo asked Joker to look into her? Or was he just voicing his general displeasure of having her around? Maybe it had nothing to do with her at all, but her stomach twisted all the same.

Chapter Eleven

Neo stood at the stove and used tongs to flip the browning chicken. Despite what Joker had told him this afternoon, he couldn’t help but grin at the singing coming from the bathroom of his apartment. Like the first night he laid eyes on Brynn, she was crooning an off-key version of a Miley Cyrus song, and Jacob was busting a gut. He’d learned that his brother loved pop music and being in the water. He enjoyed foot massages and scrambled eggs, but hated being tickled and eating broccoli. Brynn had showed him twice now how to puree Jacob’s food so he could safely eat it and how to use a pestle and mortar to grind his medications so they could be flushed through his feeding tube without having the line clog. They had gotten so lucky to tour a home specifically designed for a child with special needs. It was as though the home was custom-made for them. Kind of like Jacob and Brynn seemed like a made-to-order family that fit like a puzzle piece into his life.

The moment they got into the car after touring the home, he called the Realtor to submit an offer above the asking price. He didn’t want to take any chances with the property that would be their new home. The Realtor had also called the previous owner to explain Jacob’s needs and how well the house fit his medical challenges. They could start moving in immediately if the offer was accepted, and he’d list his apartment. He wanted to make sure Jacob and Brynn were settled before he got called out on another mission. Every day, the situation in the Middle East was brewing, and he knew it was only a matter of time before they got the call for wheels up.

He didn’t want to waste any time getting to know Brynn in case they were called out sooner rather than later. Plus, he needed to talk to her about Joker. A conversation he was not looking forward to having. Joker was trying to protect him, but he was still pissed that his teammate had gone behind his back and run an in-depth search on Brynn’s past. Only one thing had stood out—a police report filed by a family member to investigate abuse within the home. The police department had stated Brynn was known to make up lies about her sibling, and suggested she seek counseling.

He wanted some time alone with her to discuss what Joker had done. Brynn was going to be hurt, and that plain sucked. He’d apologize on his teammate’s behalf, but he also needed answers. Someone in her hometown wanted to shut down a potential investigation into her brother’s actions. Despite his general mistrust, he’d experienced Brynn quaking in his arms. That fear wasn’t imagined or acted. Perhaps she’d reported being abused by a sibling, too, only to be brushed off. It would explain why she was always trying to do the right thing, why trust was hard for her.

They’d given Jacob an early dinner, and Neo was fixing something special for the two of them. He got the feeling Brynn rarely relaxed, and he wanted to put her at ease to talk about the words they’d exchanged that afternoon and what Joker had discovered. He was humbled and thrilled that she was developing feelings for him and trusted him enough to admit it. Everything about Brynn was real and raw, from the emotions she wore so plainly on her face to how she belted out a tune, not caring how it sounded. He wanted her to take a chance and stay with him and Jacob in the new house. He hadn’t had many things in his life that were soft, kind, and beautiful, but when he saw Brynn, he found all those things and more. He might be out of his mind, but he was prepared to do whatever it took to keep her long-term. He was going to keep that sentiment to himself for now because he didn’t want to scare her off.

He was draining the pasta when he heard soft footsteps padding along the floor. Her midnight hair was loose around her shoulders. Her delicate features content but sleepy.

“He’s asleep. The day must’ve worn him out.” She absently ran her fingers through her hair, highlighting the gloss that seemed to coat every tendril. “What can I help you with?”

“After insisting on putting Jacob to bed, which involved lifting him in and out of the bathtub, getting him dressed and medicated, you’re asking to help? Sit down, woman. Let someone else take care of you for a change.” Instead of falling boneless to the couch like he expected, she perched on one of the barstools at the small center island.

He took a glass, filled it halfway from the bottle breathing on the counter, and grabbed a Sprite from the refrigerator. “You can tell me how this wine is,” he said, placing a glass in front of her. “And if you don’t like it, Old Faithful is right here.” He put the soda on the counter next to her wineglass.

She blushed and dipped her chin. There was far too much appreciation in her eyes for a glass of wine and a can of soda. Made him want to spoil her rotten. “Thank you. I feel totally useless, you know.” She took a sip and closed her eyes.

The relaxation on her face made something click inside of him. He enjoyed taking care of her and hoped to make it a habit. When they left the house tour, he’d quickly stopped at the grocery store and purchased what he needed to make chicken piccata. It was one of his favorites growing up because his grandfather actually made it, not their personal chef. It was something that he’d taught Neo how to cook, and to this day, it was probably the only thing he made that was half decent. He’d also grabbed some toast points at the store and cheated with premade bruschetta. Neo put the appetizer in front of Brynn on the small island, where they could talk as he finished putting the meal together.

“You know, drinking and stuffing my face is not helping.” She laughed. “That’s me lounging on my butt while you do all the work.”

“You don’t do nearly enough lounging from where I’m sitting.” He shot her a pointed look over his shoulder. “It’s my pleasure to cook for you, although I can’t guarantee your stomach will feel the same way.”

Brynn chuckled. He loved how the sound echoed through the kitchen. “Is that your disclaimer? Eating Neo’s cooking may result in foodborne illness?”

“Maybe. Consume at your own risk,” he teased. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much, something he’d been doing a lot of the past few days. Suddenly, he had a purpose outside the Teams, which felt good. He was constantly ramping up for the next mission, never having a life outside of being a SEAL. He was enjoying himself in a way he never had. Cooking dinner for a woman was another first. He always made sure the women he took to bed knew the score. Knew that he wasn’t looking for strings or a relationship. The bar scene had gotten old, though, and it had been a long time since he lost himself in meaningless pleasure. If he made love to Brynn, it would be a totally different experience. The last thing he wanted was for her to think that he was lusting after her because she was a convenient option due to their close proximity. She needed to know, without a doubt, he wanted more than just that gorgeous body.

“Okay, then, if you insist. I will sit right here and enjoy the wine and the food. And maybe the view, too.”

He looked over his shoulder and stood a little straighter because of her words. It was the first time Brynn had outright flirted with him, and the intense blush on her face indicated that she was surprised by what she’d said. Like the words had just slipped from her mouth.

“I’m happy to provide dinner and a show, sweetheart.” He turned to the stove and plated the chicken and pasta before joining her at the bar. He sat at the corner so he could face her as they ate.

“This looks and smells delicious.” She inhaled the scent of the food. “Might even be worth some food poisoning.” She cut into her chicken and took a bite, a deep sigh tumbling from her lips. “This is amazing,” she said, covering her full mouth. Her simple enjoyment made him feel ten feet tall. He’d cook for her every day for that kind of reaction. He’d put extra effort into the meal, and it was paying off. Every little sigh and moan of pleasure made him wonder if she would make the same sounds when he was deep inside her. He was pleased when she cleared her plate, eating every last bite. Money had been tight for her because of his mother, and she’d probably given up far too many meals to support Jacob. He stood and took their plates to the sink, quickly rinsing them and bringing the bottle of wine over to the center island.

“Can I top you off?”