Page 30 of Sworn to Lead

Silver walked over to where Brynn was now standing in the threshold of the living room. “If you need anything at all, sweet girl, call the commander.” Silver pulled Brynn into a bone-crushing hug and made his way to the front door.

Branch followed his lead, hugging her. “It’s good to have you and Jacob here. Be safe.”

Joker lagged behind, his eyes trained on Brynn. “Can I have a word?” Joker looked over his shoulder, seeking Neo’s approval, but she spoke first.

“Of course. Let’s talk in the kitchen,” she said. He would’ve told Joker hell no. Whatever he had to say to Brynn could be said in front of him—more because he was aware of Joker’s suspicion of women. Brynn must’ve sensed his hesitation, because she shook her head at him before leading him into the kitchen. The dog looked at him, then toward the kitchen.

“Go ahead and eavesdrop.” He scratched Oscar behind the ear, and the dog trotted of behind them.

All he knew was it would be a stupid idea to upset Brynn before a mission, because it would weigh on all of them. She could get angry and leave. He pressed his teeth together, but his jaw relaxed when he heard the words: “I need to apologize.” That was a big admission of guilt for Joker. Maybe Brynn and Jacob were helping to heal more than just him.

“Come on, kiddo.” He bent and lifted Jacob in his arms. “I’ll help you get ready for bed.”

Chapter Eighteen

Brynn leaned against the kitchen island, the stone counter pressed against her back. Joker stood before her, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. He rubbed the back of his neck, pieces of his sandy hair falling over his brows. Oscar’s nails clicked against the tile as he entered the room and sat at her feet.

“Listen, Brynn.” He jammed his hands into his pockets. “I wasn’t fair to you that first day at the airport. I was rude. A total prick. I thought you were out to get Neo’s money. When he lived back in Boston, women used to come onto him just because of his last name. Everyone knew the Godfreys were loaded. He never had a serious relationship, but women looked at him for one thing: his bank account. When he joined up and moved to Virginia he gained a little bit of anonymity.

“I couldn’t care less about Neo’s financial situation.” She crossed her arms over her chest, and Oscar whined, sensing the growing tension. “That’s not true.” A sigh escaped her lips. She didn’t want to talk about Neo while he was in the other room, but Joker was on edge, and she sensed he needed to get whatever he was going to say off of his chest. “I do care. I care that he has enough to provide for Jacob. If for some reason I wasn’t here—”

“Don’t say things like that. That man in there”—he pointed toward the living room—“is a damn good one. I’ve never seen him wrapped up in a woman. Never. But even if you’re not right next to him, his eyes are on you. He’s got this look…” Joker stopped and cleared his throat. “If you left, he’d be destroyed. Is that what you’re planning?” His eyes narrowed.

She pulled back her shoulders. “I have no clue what the future holds, but I’d never intentionally hurt Neo or Jacob.”

“Shit. Sorry. Jumping down your throat isn’t the best way to apologize.”

For the first time, she noticed that Joker looked lost. Perhaps he’d always appeared that way or maybe he was letting her see a side of him he’d concealed before. “I thought the worst.” He looked down at his feet and then back up at Brynn. “I don’t have a great history with the women in my life. My grandmother always said my mom could’ve done better than our father. Asked how we could blame her for leaving when we were brats and my father refused to give up the army or his Alaskan homestead. Mom cleared out Dad’s bank account when he was on active duty and left us in remote Alaska alone. She said the military lifestyle wasn’t what she signed up for, even though she knew full well that our father was a soldier before marrying him. Met a guy—some wealth manager, not even a fraction of the man our father was, but who could give her the lifestyle she wanted. Haven’t seen her since the day she drove off on Dad’s snowmobile.”

“Joker.” She dropped her arms to her sides. “You didn’t have to tell me that, but I’m sorry. I know how it feels to be rejected by a parent. Both actually.”

“After I read the police reports, I was so sure you were playing Neo. Now, just a week later, I feel physically ill for thinking that. Fuck. I’m sorry. Sorry for what that bastard did to you—I don’t know the whole story but I know enough. I’m also sorry I sifted through your personal life.” His expression was frigid, but it warmed her that he’d get defensive on her behalf.

“Neo didn’t tell you?” Oscar pressed against her calves.

“Only that your brother was a monster, and he wanted to keep a close eye on his whereabouts. Said it was your story to tell.”

“He abused me as a child. My parents didn’t listen, or didn’t care when I confided in them. My grandmother got me out.” A surprised squeak escaped her lips when Joker pulled her into a hug.

“Fuck. I’m so sorry.” He took a step back.

“While I appreciate your apology, I know our situation wasn’t exactly planned for. That you might have questions about who I am. You should know that I came to stay with Jacob. I couldn’t imagine not having him in my life.”

“And what about Ransom?”

Her cheeks tingled as warmth rushed to her face. “Things have gotten complicated.”

Neo might not want her discussing their relationship, but he sure wasn’t hiding his feelings. He’d wrapped his arm around her in front of his teammates, held her hand, and kissed her hair. With each claiming action, her joy built and grew until its soft glow poured through her.

“I see how you are around Jacob and Ransom. Makes me remember that people aren’t all bad. I have a sister, Addy, she is a super geek. Sweet as all get-out. She’s nothing like my mother and neither are you. I’m happy as hell my brother has found himself a good woman. I don’t think anyone of us could deny that you and Jacob haven’t added some much-needed excitement to our lives.” He stepped forward, pulled his hands out of his pockets, and gave her another hug.

“I think you all have more than enough excitement in your lives.” Despite the restlessness that had invaded her since Neo and his team were notified, she fought to project confidence, even to Joker.

“Stay safe.” How could Joker tell her to stay safe when he was about to enter a hostile environment? “We’ll see you in a few weeks.”

“Take care of him.” She hadn’t meant for those words to tumble from her lips, but they had all the same.

“Don’t worry, Neo can take care of himself. We all can, but we always have each other’s backs. We have yours, too, you know.” Joker walked past her and out the door.