Page 27 of Invoking Ruin

“It does,” she agrees, and I realize this is exactly why she’s refused to come home with me on every date we’ve ever had.

Whatever lines of decency Vita has, and I suspect there are very few, she didn’t want to cross this one. She didn’t want to have sex with me and conceal a life-changing truth from me at the same time.

I pull away, and the pained exhale that leaves her is almost worth the loss of the heat of her skin. “Come on then, let’s clean up before the water goes cold,” I echo her words back to her.

I tip my head back under the spray. It stings, but the pain fades quickly. I must have the same sort of healing abilities as the other gods, I suppose. Though, I notice that I'm healing far more slowly than Vita did when I cut her open just now.

Like so many other things, I have no idea why that is. I want to ask her, but she’ll only give me more evasion.

I need her more pliant before I start asking for fine details. As she approaches the shower, eyeing me like I’m a jaguar ready to eat her, I have an idea of how to get her there.

Slowly, I crook my fingers, beckoning her. She bites her lip, darkened eyes flickering up to mine in an unspoken question.

As though I’m the one in a position to give her answers.

She can’t keep away for long. Like a moth to my flame, she dances closer, and the moment she’s in reach, I grab her arm and drag her into me.

The heat rushing over me isn’t from the warm water. I trail my fingers up her side, enjoying the little tremors she gives in return.

“Have we been together like this, before?” I ask into her ear. “As gods?”

When she doesn’t reply, I tangle my fingers in her hair and yank. She gasps, her slender neck arched backwards. I kiss the delicate skin there.

“You’ve gone to an awful amount of trouble for me, haven’t you, Vita?” I tease. “I deserve to know why.”

Her throat works as she swallows hard. “Yes, we have been together. Once.” Her voice is soft, the admission clearly costing her something.

“Must have been quite the night,” I taunt.

She draws in a slow breath, and then her hands slide over my chest. She’s careful, taking her time to explore, and I bite back a groan as the heat between us rises.

I’m so hard, now. Whatever is happening here, it’s affecting me far more than I’d like it to. It’s probably unwise to completely lose my head like this, with everything I know about the world in flux. She’s been in control for months, likely longer.

I’d be a fool to let her have so much power over me again so soon.

But I can’t stop this game, either. The arousal between us beats in my hands like a living thing, and it takes me a moment to realize I can feel hers just as surely as my own. It pulses against my fingers strong as a heartbeat, like I could just take it, if I squeezed hard enough. I want to find out what happens if I do, but I hold off for now. Knowing exactly how aroused she is at every moment is enough for now.

Interesting. Who am I?

Slowly, I turn us until she’s pressed against the cool pink tile of the shower wall.

“Do you want a repeat?” I ask her.

Vita lets out a squeak, and I pull back to meet her eyes, almost entirely black now. I’ve always been desired. Men, women, neither of the above, they’ve all wanted me. It’s been an easy fact about myself, one I’ve enjoyed.

I’m not sure anyone’s ever looked at me with such naked need. One could drown in it.

“I need the words, Vita,” I say.

“W–Why are you doing this?”

My grin is lazy now. Vita isn’t a fool, either. I like that about her. She’s right not to trust me, not even casually, with her body.

“Because I want to play a game with you.” I slide my free hand up her belly, between her breasts, savoring the way she arches to follow my touch.

“You do love your games,” she admits. That’s one massive hint about my past I’m not sure she’s even aware she’s given me. I never thought I'd be seducing someone for information, but here I am. It's risky. She's a goddess, and I don't know what she's like when angry, but it's working.

And I am entranced by the sounds she makes when I touch her.