“See you tomorrow, love,” I tell him before making my way down to the street.
I pass along the edges of the crowds. Diminished as I am, it’s still easy to move faster than mortals. I don’t have to hide it, now, enjoying the cries of wonder as I pass by in a blur.
I might just enjoy being worshipped.
The forest is thick, as it’s gone mostly untouched for centuries, but nearby a hill crests up into clear sky.
Stepping into the clearing at the top of the hill is like walking back through time. The fires, the dancing, the smoke and ululations, all so much like that night long ago. I stop, taking it all in, unable to let the similarity pass unnoticed.
Thousands of years ago, I’d hidden at the edge of one such clearing, certain I wasn’t welcome but unable to walk away. Like a shadow, I’d clung to the olive tree and watched.
Just the same as it was back then, Dionysus stands at the center of the frenzy. Though this time, there’s no mortal women with him. He wears nothing more than a loin cloth and his skin glistens with oil.
His gaze finds me immediately, but the smile, the crook of his fingers are just the same.
I don’t hesitate to come to him. His arms slide around my waist as soon as I’m within reach, dragging me in against his chest. The kiss he gives me is fierce, possessive, turning my knees to jelly.
“You kept me waiting,” he chides.
I slide my hands up to his shoulders. The slick oil keeps me from getting a proper grip on him, but the scratches I’ll leave on his back will be worth it later.
“I was pretending to be a good hostess.”
He laughs. “You were doing no such thing.” He kisses his way over my jaw to my ear, which he nips at. “The gods don’t need hosting to fuck all over our villa.”
No, they don’t, but I love making him wait just a little. After all, he made me wait thousands of years. Half an hour of delay is good for him.
“I’m here now. Do you really want to scold me when you could be fucking me?”
He growls, the vibration of it against my skin makes my thighs clench.
“Is that the game you want to play tonight?” he asks, the threat hovering in the air.
My nod comes quick and eager. I bite my lip but can’t quite stop the grin from spreading.
“Then you better run, little Ruin, and pray I’m feeling forgiving when I catch you.”
Forgiveness is the last thing I’m praying for.
I’ll never get tired of him chasing me.
He lets me go, and I dash away, shrieking with laughter as he pursues me.
The mortals are quick to dodge out of my way, not wanting to be trampled by a wild goddess. Those with the presence of mind to see me, anyway. The distracted ones, I dance around.
There are still satyrs lingering at the edges of Dionysus’ revels. Their numbers are greatly diminished, but growing again in this immortal sanctuary. All of them know better to try and snatch me up, and the dryads in the trees just watch from their perches, sweet voices rising in a song only they know.
Dionysus is fast, faster than me in my weakened state, but he’s in no hurry to catch me. His pace flags as he leads me where he wants me.
We both know where I’ll end up, and I’m not at all surprised to find myself in another, smaller clearing, lined with torches.
A large flat rock rises in the center like an altar waiting for a sacrifice. I stop at the edge, the warm air chilling my fevered skin.
We’d found this place a few months ago. Now, all of our chases seem to end here, with a consecration on this rock.
The pause is all it takes for Dionysus to catch up. He lifts me up easily by the waist, tossing me over his shoulder and carrying me over the threshold.
“What will you give me tonight, little Ruin?” His breath is a hot rush in my ear, and my skin prickles with anticipation.