For me, she’d plunge herself into almost certain death.
I can’t think too hard on her willingness to sacrifice herself for me. It’s too much for my mind to contain. Right now, she deserves my focus. She deserves someone to come after her and not just leave her forgotten while she does whatever she wants.
If she wants attention, I’ll make sure she gets it.
If I find her, I’m going to tie her down and not let her come for a month.
A year.
I click my tongue and squeeze my calves, urging Pegasus into motion once more. The wind only grows worse, as though we’re flying straight into a storm, or caught in the waters circling a drain. The terrible probability Atê already has been dragged into the Void resurfaces, and I stamp it down before the terror can swallow me.
If she did this, so can I. For her.
I won’t let my own fear win. I won’t abandon her.
Not when she needs me the most.
We circle ever closer until suddenly, the wind stops, a stillness like a held breath taking over. Then, the crack in the Aether closes, slamming shut like a pulled curtain. And there, finally, at the very center of it, like a sea star splayed on a rock, is Atê.
The Void has her tight, trapped between the pieces of Aether hurtling toward her like waves crashing together. Still so far away, a thousand meters or more, and I feel every single inch. Pegasus leaps forward, and I lean in and hang on. If we can get to her, drag her out…
But the Void has one last gasp, and it explodes, launching Atê into the air and sending her hurtling, down down down. Pegasus and I roll, caught up in the sky’s eddy, and it’s all I can do to not fall off his back.
When we right ourselves, Atê is already halfway back to earth and hurtling at top speed.
Pegasus doesn’t need the command, already diving, tucking in his wings until it feels like we’re in free fall, the air smacking my face. I narrow my eyes, not letting her out of my sight.
I shout her name, but she doesn’t respond, doesn’t even move. Hermes’ sandals are still tied around her ankles, slowing her fall, but one of them is missing a wing, and it’s causing her limp form to turn in wild gyres.
Is she even conscious? Her head is tipped forward.
A stone drops in my belly. Did the Void poison her, somehow?
She’s still intact. That has to mean something.
“Faster, boy.”
Pegasus tightens his wings even further, until we too are in free fall, the world hurtling up to meet us.
If we hit the ground at this speed, would we shatter?
I need to get to her. She’s still just out of reach. Straining, I lean out as far as I dare from Pegasus’ back.
“Atê!” Her hand is limp at her side, unhelpful. “Atê! Wake up!”
The wind eats my words, but I keep shouting. She has to hear me. Somehow, she has to hear me.
“Open your eyes, Atê!” I swipe my hand uselessly through the air, trying to catch her fingers.
Still nothing. I don’t know how much longer we have, and if she never wakes, if I can never grab her.
There’s only one other thing I can do.
“Hope you can catch us, boy,” I tell Pegasus. Not even he can hear me over the roar of the wind. I shift on his back, giving myself the most leverage I can without hurting him.
I have one chance. If I fall past her, it’s all over.