Page 32 of Raw Deal

Nik kissed her goodnight at the door, a long kiss that made her want to drag him to her bedroom. He left. The door closed softly behind him, and she melted against it. Maybe she didn’t know Nik as well as she thought she did.

She smiled.

Chapter Nineteen

The next few days sailed by in blissful waves of future memories to be cherished later. After Nik got bored with their small-town life and returned to Vegas, she and Mia would at least have some nice memories of their time with him. He worked the bakery counter each day while Chloe played in the kitchen, trying out new recipes. Thanks to him, she had time to experiment. He also kept his word on picking up Mia from school every day. Chloe’s only concern was that he might break Mia’s heart when he went back to his old life.

“Daddy found a house!”

Mia ran into the bakery with Nik a few steps behind. Once again, he was dressed casually in jeans. Chloe didn’t think she’d ever get used to seeing him in anything other than expensive suits. He didn’t look like Nik Andropolis without his usual attire. Although she wouldn’t admit it to him, she missed the suits.

“Can we go see it?” Mia asked. “Daddy says we can go if you say it’s okay.”

Chloe looked up at him, startled by the announcement. “You’re really buying a house here?”

“Why do you sound so surprised? I told you that was my intention.”

Her little bundle of energy raced around the display case to throw her arms around Chloe’s legs. “Please, Mommy. Can we go see the house?”

“We can close up for an hour,” Nik said. “I want your approval on the house before I make an offer.”

“My approval?” She blinked at him. “Why?”

Nik shrugged his broad shoulders. He took her by the arm and led her to the door. Mia jumped up and down with excitement, while Nik took time to turn the sign around to Closed. He walked down the sidewalk to his new ride and opened the passenger side door on an intimidating black truck.

Chloe stood there in total disbelief. The visual of Nik, casually dressed in jeans and an open plaid shirt over a snug t-shirt, standing beside a previously owned blue truck threw her for a mental loop. It was odd enough to see him with a truck, but it wasn’t even a brand new one straight off the assembly line. He could be trying to prove something to her or to himself.

She pasted on a smile and climbed into the truck with his assistance. The thing was so high off the ground she would have needed a step stool if it weren’t for him. Mia sat between them as Nik drove out of town. He took a few long, winding roads to the house in question. Chloe twisted her fingers the whole way.

Once again, Nik surprised her with his choice. She had expected a huge estate. The Andropolis family had one in Vegas and one in Greece. They probably owned houses around the world. She hadn’t bothered to ask.

Nik had chosen a lovely white colonial with black shutters and an inviting red door. It was on a fairly good-sized lot with houses on either side. They were far enough away to give everyone privacy.

Nik parked on the street, and they walked across the large expanse of dying grass. He pointed out a large branch on a lovely oak tree dead center in the front yard. “We can hang a swing for Mia right there.”

Mia squealed with delight. “I want to swing on a tree, Mommy!”

“I know, sweetie,” Chloe said.

Mia spotted something in the backyard and shot off like a bullet from a gun. She whooped and hollered. In a split second, she disappeared on the other side of the house.

Chloe yelled, “Stay where we can see you!”

Nik placed a hand on her arm. “It’s okay. She just spotted her gift.”

“Another gift? Don’t spoil her, Nik. Please.”

“I’m not spoiling her. This is a necessity. You’ll see.”

With a mysterious look on his face, he steered her around the corner of the house. The backyard opened up to them, and she caught her first sight of his second gift to Mia. It was perfect.

“Look, Mommy! I bet a fairytale princess lives here.”

There was a large plastic playhouse in the form of a castle, fake gray stone with pink trim and a cute plastic window in front. Mia charged at it, ready to move in, but Nik caught her around the waist.

He swung her up into his arms. “Slow down for a second, kiddo. If I buy this house, you’ll be the fairytale princess living here.”

That made Mia giggle.