Page 18 of Raw Deal

Kristina grinned. “Let me guess. You were so grateful for the rescue that you rocked his world in the sack.”

Chloe glared at her sister. “I thanked him and went back to work.”

“Boo. You are no fun at all.”

Chloe closed her eyes and floated back in time. Nik had been so sweet to her in the beginning. He brought her flowers the next night and asked her out to dinner.

“I said no, because I figured he hit on everything in a skirt. For all I knew, he was a creep who slept with every woman he saw. So I politely declined his invitation while trying to keep my job.”

“Did he pressure you to sleep with him? Did he threaten to fire you?”

“Of course not. Nik is a decent guy. He just got messed up by his parents and by the obscene amount of wealth. That’s the main reason I don’t want the Andropolis family to get their hands on Mia. They would destroy her life and turn her into a greedy, entitled adult without an ounce of love in her heart.”

She had stopped worrying about her job after several of Nik’s other female employees told her he had a strict policy against dating them. They surmised she must be something special if he was willing to ignore his own rule. They had repeatedly told her she was a lucky girl.

They had no idea.

“Where did he take you on your first date?” Kristina asked.

She grinned. “We had hot dogs at the stadium while watching his team play.”

Nik hadn’t wanted to sit in the owner’s box that day. Instead, they sat with the people in the stands and cheered right along beside them. Later, she’d suspected it was a game to him, just a show, so she would think money hadn’t made him feel arrogant and entitled.

“Then the gifts started,” she said. “He thought he could buy my... affections.”

Kristina perked up. “Gifts? What gifts?”

“Let’s see.” Chloe’s eyes went up while counting them. “There was a ruby necklace and a designer original gown. We took a trip to Napa Valley. He bought me a mink coat. The sports car was the final straw.”

“What?!” Kristina shot to her feet. “You’ve been holding out on me, sis. Where are you keeping all this stuff? Did you pawn it?”

“I didn’t keep it.”

She had returned every single expensive gift, because she hadn’t been after his money. Most importantly, she wanted him to know he couldn’t buy her. The only things she’d accepted from him were flowers and sentimental trinkets.

“And the engagement ring,” she added. “Although he ripped it off my finger before showing me the door.”

“That pig!” Kristina tapped a finger against her lower jaw, and Chloe could tell her sister was deep in thought. That usually meant trouble. After a moment Kristina said, “You deserved to leave that relationship with something.”

“I did. I have his child. Remember?”

“He owes you. I really think you should sue for back child support and emotional damage. You could probably get a million dollars with the right lawyer.”

Chloe gaped at her sister. “Have you lost your mind? I told you I don’t want to risk asking him for anything. If he finds out about Mia, it’s over. He’ll take her, Kris. Listen to me! Let it sink in. I know the Andropolis family, and they will take her away forever.”

“Okay. Okay. Calm down. You don’t have to sue him... until Mia is fully grown. Then take him for everything you can get.”

There was no way she was ever taking Nik to court. She didn’t want his money. Look what it had done to him. He thought everyone was after his fortune. She was certain that was a terrible way to live, but it still made her crazy that he didn’t trust her. After she returned his expensive gifts and proved over and over she only wanted him, he still didn’t trust her.

She closed her eyes and silently prayed Kristina would stop asking questions. The days she’d spent with Nik had been wonderful for the most part, but they were painful memories now. She just wanted to forget.

Unfortunately, her mind didn’t have a shut-off switch. She couldn’t stop thinking about last night. Being in his arms again had been an incredible experience. The two of them made so much sense when they were making love. They fit together like two of the most important pieces in a difficult puzzle. It was too bad they didn’t make sense in any other way.

Somehow, she needed to get over him.

Chapter Twelve

Twenty minutes after Kristina said, “I do” to the love of her life, nobody could find her. The photographer wanted to take pictures, and the groom was ready to cut the cake. It had been a beautiful ceremony, flawless in every aspect.