Page 14 of Raw Deal

The rest of her memory of their drunken night returned, and she gasped. “Wait a second! We didn’t have sex last night. We got married, and you put me to bed. Alone. I remember being upset. I felt rejected. I threw myself at you, and you refused.”

He kissed her soundly on the mouth. “Believe me. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I didn’t want to take advantage. I knew someday we would make love again, and I wanted you to be fully alert so you would remember every second.”

She had stripped down naked and offered herself to him. Nik tucked her into his giant bed instead. Then he’d left.

The man was a saint. She didn’t know of any other man who would gallantly walk away after such an offer.

Slowly, she turned in his arms, turning away to keep him from seeing the tears forming in her eyes. They were about to make love for the final time. After tonight, he would start hating her again. She hid her damp eyes from him and prayed he wouldn’t bother to look too closely.

He slid the zipper down on her dress, and cool air hit the exposed skin. A shiver ran up her spine. Then his lips were there. He slowly rained fervent kisses across her naked back, following a trail only he could see. She pressed her thighs together against the dull ache that threatened to turn painful if ignored for too long.

His hands peeled the black material from her shoulders and slid the dress down her body until it pooled on the plush carpet around her feet.

She turned back to him and saw the hungry desire in his eyes. That look fueled her own passion. She unbuckled his belt and slid it free. After dropping it on the floor, she undid his pants, so they fell around his ankles. He stepped out of them. Soon, they were both in their underwear.

Nik took a step back. His gaze went down her body, taking in everything about her. She felt suddenly shy under the intense scrutiny, but she returned it. His body had only gotten better with age. If anything, his muscles were bigger, more toned. He looked amazing. What woman wouldn’t want to make love with him?

Then she considered her own body. It had carried a baby and given birth. Her breasts were slightly larger, which would make him happy, but her stomach wasn’t quite as tight as it used to be. Would he notice the changes?

It wasn’t just a question of vanity. What if he connected the dots and realized she’d had his child?

“Can we turn off the light?” she asked.

“Why?” His hands smoothed over her shoulders, pushing her bra straps down as they went. “Your beauty takes my breath away. Any man would be breathless at the sight of you in the nude.”

He removed her bra, and she clamped her arms to her sides to keep from covering herself. Being vulnerable in front of someone wasn’t easy; being vulnerable in front of Nik was close to impossible. She felt naked even before he stripped off her last stitch of clothing.

His lips immediately went to work on her sensitive flesh, tasting and testing every inch of her. Her mind went numb. She forgot her embarrassment. She couldn’t think. Only feel. Her senses were on overload. He nibbled gently on her skin, and she nearly shot through the roof. Pain became pleasure; pleasure became pain.

He swept her off her feet and placed her on the bed.

Nik seemed to know what she was going to do before she did it. Making love with him became a well-choreographed dance. Every move they made happened with perfect timing. Bittersweet. She couldn’t forget this would be their last time together and that hurt.

She gripped his upper arms as he took her to great heights. Her first orgasm blew her mind to the extent she was still riding that wave when the next one hit. Colors exploded on the inside of her eyelids.

Nik was right about one thing: he had learned a great deal since the last time they had made love.

It seemed like he made love to her for hours, worshiping her body with his hands and his mouth. He had successfully ruined her for all other men. Of course, she’d never tell him that and risk feeding the Andropolis ego.

Totally satiated, she fell asleep in his arms.

She slept better that night than she had in years, and she dreamed about a magical world where she could be loved by Nik forever.

Chapter Nine

Chloe woke to find two odd things. First, she’d been smiling in her sleep. Second, she was alone. Figuring Nik was in the shower, she stretched beneath the cool sheet. The silky friction felt good against her nude body. With eyes closed, she listened for the shower, but she couldn’t hear a thing. Maybe he had shut the door so he wouldn’t disturb her. Thoughtful.

She turned her head to the side and looked at the clock. It was later than she thought, almost noon, and there was a folded piece of paper with her name on the front. Nik’s masculine scrawl was impossible to overlook. She recognized the little loop on the capital C instantly, and it made her smile grow. He had probably left her instructions on something fun to do while he was at work. Or maybe it was an invitation to meet him later. She wasn’t sure which to hope for.

She climbed out of bed and put on his fluffy white robe before reading the note. His robe was too big for her, of course, but she didn’t mind. She pushed up the long sleeves to free her hands. The material smelled of his cologne, a mysterious musky scent that would prove hard for any woman to forget. She sat on the edge of the bed and read his note.

Thank you for a memorable evening. You are an incredible lover as I am sure many men have told you. I think it is best for you to return home now. Don’t worry about the annulment. My attorney will take care of everything and send you the papers to sign. Soon. Have a safe flight. My private jet is at your disposal.

That was it. He had signed his first name without anything extra. There wasn’t a goodbye or take care, definitely no with love. Her heart sank even though she should be drowning in relief. At least he wasn’t insisting on returning to Brookhaven with her. Her secret was safe.

Mia was safe.

Still, the rejection stung.