Page 12 of Raw Deal

Including her heart.

Chloe sat up straighter, determined to deny him access to her body no matter how much her body craved the reunion with his. “We agreed. No sex. It will just complicate things.”

“I’ve learned some interesting stuff since we were last together.” He grinned, deepening those sexy dimples that made him even more difficult to resist. “Let me make love to you all night long until we are both completely spent. Neither of us will ever forget it. I promise you that.”

She couldn’t imagine the sex being better than before. Every time he touched her, she went up in flames. Making love to Nik was an incredible experience, blissful sensations and heady emotions that nearly overwhelmed her to the point of losing herself completely in him. She didn’t think she could handle the new and improved Nik Andropolis.

“I don’t think we should,” she mumbled.

A slow smile stretched his mouth. “That’s not a firm no. You want it as much as I do. We both know that. I’ll bet you’ve learned a few things as well over the years. I would love for you to show me.”

She nearly choked on her drink. The glass went down hard, and she coughed into her other hand. A splash of liquid went over the rim and landed on the lacy tablecloth next to her plate. She threw her napkin down. “W-what? Why would you say something like that?”

“In six years, you never married. You must have gone through quite a few men in that length of time.”

“What makes you think that? Are you calling me a whore?”

“That isn’t what I’m saying at all. It’s just, you were always so passionate, so responsive to my touch. It’s okay to admit you aren’t a saint. We weren’t together. I’m not jealous. Only curious.”

Well, he was just going to have to stay curious. No way was she falling back into bed with him. It would be her undoing. If she gave in, she was certain she wouldn’t be able to walk away from him, and that wasn’t an option.

She thought of Mia and steeled herself against his masculine charms. Yes, he had the body of a Greek god, but she wasn’t giving in no matter what. She wouldn’t... couldn’t... shouldn’t share the same bed with him. Never again.

He placed a hand on hers, and the warmth spread through her entire body, building on the desire already there. She wanted him, desperately wanted him in a way she hadn’t experienced in years. No other man could stir up her passion like he did. What would one night hurt?

“Tell me something about you that I don’t know,” she said.

Confusion drew his brows together. “What? Why?”

“If you want to be intimate with me, I want to feel close to you first.”

“You will feel close... when I am making love to you.”

She shook her head. “No. I want to feel emotionally close to you, Nik. Tell me something I don’t already know about you.”

“You first,” he said. “Tell me something about you I don’t know.”

She froze. Was he baiting her? Did he already know about Mia?

He grinned. “You see? Not so easy, is it?” He set his fork and knife down before adding, “I’ll help you out. Tell me about your mom.”

The softly spoken command put her at ease. “What do you want to know?”

“When we were together, we never talked about her. I remember asking about your mom once, but she had just died. You got this sadness in your eyes that I wanted to banish forever. I never brought her up again.”

Thinking about her mom now made her smile. “I wish you could have met her.”

“Do you think she would have liked me?”


He chuckled. “On what?”

“If you were charming like you were with Kristina and flirted with her, she would have adored you. If you were being an arrogant, bossy jerk like you are with me, she would have put you in your place. My mom was honest to the point of being blunt, and she didn’t let anyone intimidate her.”

The candlelight put a golden flicker in his dark eyes, and she thought about kissing him. Her mother would advise her to go for it. Don’t let life pass you by. Those words, wise words from her mom, echoed in her mind. She wondered what Nik would do if she got up, walked around the table, and kissed him full on the mouth. He used to like it when she initiated sex. Had that changed?

“What do you remember most about your mom?” he asked.