Page 6 of Raw Deal

How long could she keep her secret when Nik was determined to invade every part of her life and destroy it?

She glanced down at her dress from yesterday. “I need to change.”

“You look fine.”

“Kristina knows I was wearing this yesterday. If you don’t let me stop at my room to put something else on, I’m not going.”

Nik growled at her. “You are not the one in charge here. Do as I say or lose your bakery. Simple as that.”

Chloe pushed her temper down, knowing it wouldn’t do any good to blow up at him. Nik would just dig in his heels and refuse to budge. The best way to handle him was with logic and reason. “Kristina is my sister. No one knows me better than she does, and the only way I would show up at breakfast in last night’s clothing is if I were kidnapped.”

His lips pursed together. He slowly nodded. “You may have a point. Very well. I will come with you.”

“Excuse me? You are not watching me change.”

He rolled his dark eyes. “I meant, I will come to the room with you and wait outside in the hallway. I can make a few important calls while you slip into something else. Don’t keep me waiting long.”

Nik always had to be in control.

A quicksilver flash hit Chloe between the eyes. For a blinding second, she saw Nik walking her down the aisle to the Elvis impersonator. He had to hold her up because she was too drunk to walk without falling. Had he taken advantage of her, forced her to marry him while she was under the influence?

On their way out the door, she silently prayed Kristina would be in the room so she could fill her in on everything. Somehow, she needed to keep her sister from saying the wrong thing. They had to keep Nik in the dark.

Chapter Four

Chloe hurried over to the table where her sister was waiting. Unfortunately, Kristina hadn’t been in the room when she stopped to change her clothes. Instead of the flirty dress from earlier, Chloe had put on jeans and a halter top.

Nik wasn’t kidding when he said he wasn’t a patient person, and she’d been afraid he would start pounding on the door. That might have brought guests into the hallway. She hadn’t been able to warn her sister about Nik and his connection to Mia yet.

The Andropolis family’s casino boasted two huge theaters where they showcased the most talented performers and three restaurants with multiple Michelin Stars between them. Nik had arranged for Kristina to join them for breakfast. Chloe reluctantly agreed, even though the thought of food still made her stomach flip over.

On their way in, Nik stopped to speak to an employee near a row of slot machines. It was early, so there were only a few people gambling. The musical sound—bells and whistles—and dropping quarters bouncing against metal trays threatened to give her a headache. Chloe saw her chance to get herself out of this mess. She rushed across the room to her sister.

Kristina held up a half-empty champagne flute that appeared to be orange juice. Chloe knew it was a mimosa, her sister’s favorite drink. Knowing her, Kristina was probably on her second glass. Her pretty brunette sister had a huge smile on her face.

She silently offered to order Chloe the same drink she was having by lifting it up, along with her eyebrows.

Chloe quickly bent over her sister as if to hug her and whispered in her ear. “Don’t mention Mia. I’ll explain later. Don’t say her name while you’re here in Vegas. Got it?”

Kristina glared at her. “What are you talking about? Are you drunk? Where were you last night? I looked everywhere and couldn’t find you.”

“I am afraid that was my doing.” Nik came up behind Chloe on silent feet, startling her. He held a hand out to her sister. “I am Nikolas Andropolis, and I own this hotel and casino and everything inside.”

Chloe stiffened. Was he trying to say he owned her?

“Andropolis?” Kristina practically swooned when he took her hand in his. Her dark eyes grew to twice their normal size. “I’ve heard of you. Don’t you own the Las Vegas Aces football team?”

He nodded. “I own a lot of things, but I have to admit the Aces are my favorite acquisition. Are you a football fan?”

Kristina gushed like she was meeting a movie star. She motioned for him to sit next to her, and he did. The two of them began to talk and laugh, sharing funny stories as if they’d known each other for years.

Chloe just stood there. Awkward. In an instant, she became an eavesdropper on a private conversation. She sank into an empty chair and held her breath, silently willing Kristina to keep her mouth shut about Mia.

The waitress came to the table a few minutes later, and Nik seemed to remember Chloe. He turned on the charm, smiling so that his dimples appeared. There was no way he was unaware of the effect he had on women. The waitress looked appropriately dazzled, and Kristina couldn’t take her eyes off him.

He gestured to Chloe. “Give my wife whatever she wants, even if it’s off-menu.”

Kristina’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head, and the waitress paled.