Page 53 of Raw Deal

And there it was. No matter what Chloe did, Estelle would always see her as beneath them. Nik’s mother had decided to revert to true form and start with insults. It was time for her to meet the new and improved Chloe Ranier.

“That’s it. Lady, and I use the term ironically, I’m not the girl you used to know. I won’t lie on the floor and let you kick me. Everything that comes out of your mouth is going into Nik’s ear later tonight. I’m not keeping a single thing from him anymore.”

Of course, she and Nik weren’t speaking, so she couldn’t tell him anything. But his mother didn’t need to know that. Chloe didn’t want to see the look of satisfaction on her face once she heard the news.

Estelle used her most haughty tone and a look of derision to try to cut Chloe down. “I am simply warning you of the inevitable outcome, dear. Nikolas loves his life in Vegas. He may give into you for a while, try on this new life in little Brookhaven, but he’ll grow to resent you.”

“Hold on.” Chloe’s hands went to her hips. “I am not making Nik live in Brookhaven. That was his decision, and he’s happy here.”

“He’s only temporarily happy because he has a brand-new daughter.”

“Stop trying to make me doubt his love for us.”

Even as she said the words, she realized how true they had become. Nik loved Mia. He hadn’t meant to hurt her, and he deserved another chance. After being raised by the horrible woman standing in front of her, how could he know how to parent a small child? It was a miracle he was so loving and understanding with Mia. He certainly hadn’t learned it from his parents.

“If you loved him, you would move to Vegas.” Estelle rolled her eyes. “Stop being selfish, and do what’s right for your husband and your child.”

Chloe blinked at her. Seriously? Estelle Andropolis was giving her lessons on being a good wife and mother?

“Now you hold it right there.” Chloe stood toe to toe with the malicious puppeteer. “You do not come into my place of business and start telling me how to take care of my family.”

“Your family?” Estelle raised an eyebrow. “Nikolas is still my son, and in the end he will do what I want.”

Chloe used to believe that too, but then she got to know her husband. He was stronger than she had given him credit for, and she would stand by him against his manipulative mother. She just hoped it wasn’t too late after their fight yesterday. Pushing him away had been dumb. Nik loved their little girl and would never purposely hurt her.

“Nik is my husband, and this is where he belongs. You don’t have the same hold over him that you used to or that you thought you used to have. He’ll always choose his family over you.”

Estelle’s eyes narrowed. “He would choose his daughter over both of us, but fortunately he doesn’t have to. As soon as I secure custody for him and move her to Vegas, he’ll forget your name.”

Icy fear cut through Chloe at the woman’s threat. She clenched her fists and prayed for the strength not to slug his mother. “You can’t take me to court for custody. You signed an agreement.”

Laughter parted Estelle’s lips. “My lawyer put a big enough loophole in there to drive a car through. I’m surprised you didn’t notice.”

Chloe opened her front door and helped Nik’s mother over the threshold. “Get out! You are not welcome in my home or my business, and if you dare make a move on Mia, you’ll never see her again. I’ll make damn sure of it.”

She slammed the door in the woman’s startled face.

Then she leaned back against it.

What would Estelle’s next move be?

She would go straight to Nik’s house, of course, and stir up trouble there. Chloe realized she needed to speak to him first. She grabbed her cell and called his number. It was denied after the first ring. Nik was still angry about their argument. She had no choice but to hurry to his house and try to stop his mother from ruining their lives. Again.

Chloe arrived at the house too late. Estelle’s rental car and driver were already parked in front of Nik’s place. Leave it to her to find a limo and professional driver this far away from the nearest city. She was probably already filling Nik’s heads with lies, and Chloe wasn’t going to stand for it. She’d changed in six years. It was time for her to stand up for herself and show Estelle that Nik belonged to her. He was her husband and Mia’s father. No one was coming between them.

She went inside and marched down the hallway to the den where raised voices could be heard through the door. Their words stopped her outside the closed door. She listened with stomach muscles clenched. What if Estelle managed to turn Nik against her for a second time?

“This is the thanks I get for helping you get back together with Chloe?” Estelle scoffed. “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have her now.”

“If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have lost her in the first place.” He took a second. Then he shouted. “If it wasn’t for you, I would have know Mia from birth! You robbed me of five and a half years with my only child.”

Estelle didn’t sound a bit bothered by his anger. “You can’t blame me for that. Chloe kept her a secret... from us both.”

“She tried to tell me, but I was too broken to listen. Because of you, I couldn’t bear to hear her voice. You’re my mother, and you say you love me--”

“I do.”

“You nearly ruined my life. For six years, you had me thinking she’d betrayed me. You made me believe she never loved me.”