Page 42 of Raw Deal

Although he had told Phillip he was in love with Chloe, he was cautious about it. He couldn’t totally open up to her, not yet. There were trust issues on both sides. Until he knew she was head over heels for him with no chance of turning back, he would continue to close part of himself off to her. He couldn’t risk getting his heart ripped out a second time.

Chapter Twenty-Three

After making sure Mia was settled into Nik’s penthouse suite with the sitter, she and Nik went straight to the hospital. Chloe took his hand outside the door to his mother’s private room. She took a deep breath and pushed it open.

Estelle had aged more than six years. To Chloe, she appeared ten or fifteen years older and a lot less intimidating. The elderly woman was pale, but she wasn’t attached to anything other than a simple IV. A closer look at the bag told Chloe it was only saline. They didn’t even have Estelle hooked up to a heart monitor.

Estelle pushed the button to lift her bed until she was sitting up. “Come in. Come in. I’ve been waiting for you.”

Nik went to his mother and kissed her on the cheek. “How are you feeling, Mother?”

“I told you on the phone that I am perfectly fine. You didn’t have to fly home. But I’m glad you did.” She glanced past him to Chloe. “And I am so pleased that you brought your new wife.”

Chloe’s eyes narrowed. Here we go. Nik’s mother was about to manipulate the situation to her advantage. “Hello, Estelle,” Chloe said. “You look fantastic for someone who just had a heart attack.”

Estelle ignored Chloe and spoke to her son. “I was hurt to find out my only son had married without me being there.” She shrugged her shoulders beneath the hospital gown. “But I understand. I’m sure Chloe told you what I did six years ago.”

“Yes, Mother. She did. What do you have to say for yourself? You tried to keep us from getting married, and you failed. That must irk you to no end. What do you think of my new bride?”

Estelle clapped her hands. “I think it’s wonderful! I am so happy to see the two of you together. Makes my heart feel so much better.”

Was she being deceptive again?

Chloe’s eyes narrowed on the woman’s beaming face. Could the radiant smile be fake? If it was, she had learned some tricks since Chloe last saw her. Perhaps Estelle would tear into her if he left the room. Chloe considered sending him out. She could think of a reason for him to leave, and then she could turn her phone’s recorder on. Estelle wouldn’t be able to deny her conniving side if he heard it for himself.

Nik’s lips made a grim line. “Why did you ask cousin Barry to kiss my fiancé?”

“I honestly thought I was doing you a favor. You’re my only son, the heir to the Andropolis fortune, and I hated the idea of seeing you turn it over to some beautiful gold-digger.”

“Chloe is not a gold—”

“I know that now, but at the time I was convinced I was right. You aren’t a parent yet, so you don’t know what it’s like to want to protect them from everything, including themselves.”

Nik turned to Chloe, and they exchanged a look. She could read his expression. He wanted to tell his mother about Mia, but it was the last thing Chloe wanted. She shook her head at him. Hopefully, he could read her eyes. Don’t you dare!

“What’s going on?” Estelle glanced back and forth between them. “You are married, aren’t you?”

Nik nodded.

Chloe felt she needed a lot more convincing before exposing her daughter to the devious woman. “You not only had Barry kiss me so you could snap a picture, but you also forced a check for half a million into my hands.”

“Yes,” Estelle said.

Nik bit off a curse word. “Why would you do that to me? You broke my heart that day and did more damage than you are even aware.”

Estelle teared up. “I know. I know. What I did was terrible, and I pray you can forgive me. I hope you both can forgive me.” She reached for her son’s hand. Once she had it, she asked, “May I speak to Chloe alone?”

Chloe felt Nik stiffen beside her. “It’s okay,” she said. “I promise to tell you everything she says this time, word for word.”

He nodded before glaring at his mother. “If you say anything to hurt her or to make her question what we have, I will never speak to you again. I can promise you that.”

Estelle nodded.

Nik left the room.

“My biggest regret is destroying your relationship with my son.”

That was the last thing Chloe had expected to come out of the woman’s mouth. Stunned, she stood there in silence. All the things she wanted to say to Nik’s mother evaporated in her mouth. It was difficult to accuse a person of a crime when they were already confessing.