Page 16 of Raw Deal

Chloe rolled her eyes. “It is not... and he changed his mind. That’s why he’s sending me home. He’s going to take care of the annulment.”

Kristina paced the length of his living room from the glass wall to the door and back again. She did it several times. Her hands went to her hips, and her gaze returned to Chloe’s face. “I thought he was abusive.”

Chloe gasped. “Why would you think something like that? Nik would never be violent with a woman.”

“When I came back from my year in Europe and you were so pregnant you were about to pop, you refused to tell me anything. You wouldn’t even tell me the guy’s name or how you met. What other conclusion could I possibly come to? Every time I asked about Mia’s father, you looked shell-shocked.”

Chloe retook her seat and twisted her fingers on her lap. “I didn’t want to talk about it, because I still loved him. In one terrible moment, I lost my best friend, my lover, and my future. When I was with him, I was blissfully happy. I’d never felt like that before. Pure joy.”

Kristina sat next to her. “You still should have told me about him.”

“We weren’t speaking after Mom died. Remember? When you came back from Europe, we patched things up, but our relationship was still strained.” She lowered her gaze and admitted, “I was afraid you would think I was a total fool for falling in love with someone so out of my league.”

Kristina’s eyes grew damp, and she gave her a hug. “He is not out of your league, sis. If anything, you are out of his.”

“Thank you for saying so.”

“It’s true.”

“I love you,” Chloe said. “You really are a wonderful big sister sometimes. More often than not.”

Kristina put her hands on top of Chloe’s hands. “Remember when we were kids and we’d stay up half the night talking about boys and what kind of man we wanted to marry?”

Spontaneous laughter parted her lips. “I remember you saying you wanted a dangerous boy on a motorcycle with piercings and tattoos.”

“And look at me now? I’m marrying an accountant.”

They both laughed until tears of mirth filled their eyes.

“You did date that one guy with the motorcycle,” Chloe said.

Kristina nodded and chuckled. “Mom hated him so much. That was part of the reason I liked him, but he was a selfish jerk. He got me over guys on motorcycles real fast.”

“Before that, you wanted to marry a prince with a castle and oodles of money.”

Kristina’s eyes narrowed. “How did this get to be about me? We were talking about you. Andropolis might not be a prince, but he’s got oodles of cash. You really should take him to the cleaners. He should at least be paying child support.”

Chloe felt the blood drain from her cheeks. “No. There will be no lawyers, no child support, and no admitting I have his child. Think about it. He and his family would take Mia away from us so fast she’d forget what we look like. Is that what you want?”

“Of course not.”

“I’m lucky he’s letting me leave.”

“Did you have sex with him? Please, tell me you didn’t have sex with him.”

She lowered her face as her cheeks caught fire.

“Chloe Jane! How could you do that after he dumped you and ran you out of town?”

“Don’t pretend to be an angel. I know you. If he wanted to take you to bed, you’d jump at the chance.”

“Would not!” Kristina popped off the couch. “I’m an engaged woman, and my fiancé loves me. He’s not using me in a sick power play. I swear, you sure can pick them.”

And there it was, her sister going from supportive to accusing on the flip of a dime. Their relationship went from love to hate and back to love on an hourly basis. Considering she hadn’t gotten a decent night’s sleep because she had spent all night making love with him, she was too exhausted to argue.

“I just want to go home to my sweet little girl,” Chloe said. “And I want to forget this ever happened. Can we please do that?”

Kristina gave her a brief nod.