Page 46 of Forgotten Deal

“I’m sorry, who are you?” I manage to find words.

“Romeo Parisi.” Oh, shit. He gives me a double cheek kiss, and I try not to pass out.

“Yeah, it has been a while,” I say in shock.

“You remember Sam Moretti.”

“Fabio,” Sam says, toying with a knife in his left hand.

“Sam.” I nod, trying not to tremble.

“I’m sorry about Frankie,” Romeo says. “He was a good man.”

“Thanks.” There’s an uncomfortable lump in my throat I manage to swallow.

“I hear you helped Darius out this evening.”

I nod.

“We could use more quick-thinking men like you in the family.”

You’re going to stay off the streets and away from the Parisi family. Nonna’s words ring in my ears.

“And in return, you get a loyal group of men supporting you,” he goes on. “Family. Money. Respect.”

“Pussy,” Sam adds.

Darius snorts. “You wouldn’t know which hole to stick it in.”

“Your mother doesn’t seem to mind which hole?—”

“Enough,” Romeo says in a bored tone. “So Fabio?—”

“I want in,” I blurt out, knowing damn well I’m breaking my promise to Nonna, but unable to stop myself. Family. Money. Respect. Pussy. I want everything this man is selling and more.

“Damn, Fabio. At least play hard to get,” Darius jokes. “Make ‘em work for it.”

Sam smirks at Darius. “Just like your mother when I make her?—”

“Ignore them both and welcome to my crew,” Romeo interjects, and we shake on it.




Fabio, seventeen years old…

I’m in my workshop hidden in the shed behind Nonna’s house. Darius helped me dig the cellar pit and build the stairs, and this is where I store my supplies. I’d like to think my old man would be proud I was paying attention when I was a kid. My nonna? It would break her heart if she found out I’m following in my papà's footsteps.

I grab a brush and paint poison over a starched white shirt—the same method my old man used to try to knock off Maximo Russo; had Papà been successful, he and Mama would still be here today.

Where he failed, I’m going to succeed. My target this time is a city council member who’s crossed the family. And when I pull this off, I’ll be part of the family. I feel bad I lied to Nonna about staying away from the Parisis, but as Darius says, when the Fates smile down on you, don’t flip them off.

Placing the shirt back in its plastic dry cleaning bag, I clean up my workspace before taking off my gear and placing it in a trash bag. There’s a knock on the cellar door, and I open it to find Darius peeking down at me. “You got my delivery ready?”

“Ready.” I walk up the stairs, handing him the dry cleaning bag.