“Fine. But I need more time to think about yours.” The man’s a puzzle, one I’m hoping to crack. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-six,” he answers.
“Where did you grow up?” I wonder.
“Were you part of Darius’ crew?” I try again, since he’s being forthcoming.
“I don’t remember your name being mentioned,” I tell him, and he shrugs. Back to the cryptic thing. “What’s your neck tat?”
“A scorpion,” he says.
“What’s the meaning behind it?”
“Related to my street name.”
“Which is?”
He doesn’t answer. “Fine, be that way,” I tell him with a playful pout. “Are you close to your folks?”
“Yeah, I was, but my parents passed away several years back.”
“I’m sorry,” I tell him.
“Thanks. And your old man?”
“Passed away when I was twelve,” I tell him.
“Lung cancer. I’m glad you quit smoking.” His eyes lock with mine before he returns his attention to the road.
“My, you did your homework.” I don’t know whether to be freaked out or flattered.
“I did,” he agrees.
We pull into a familiar driveway with him punching in a code, and the gate opens. “Returning to the scene of the crime?” We’re back at the beach house.
“Let’s see what we can add to our rap sheet over these next forty-eight hours,” Fabio suggests.
Leading me to the backdoor, Fabio unlocks it and ushers me inside before he punches in the alarm code.
I check out the view from the wall of windows in the living room—we’ve just missed sunrise, but the sky’s painted lovely hues of pink and orange, with the peaceful sound of the waves crashing against the shoreline. “Are you kidding me? Go ahead and fuck me already.”
Fabio wastes no time, scooping me up and tossing me over his shoulder.
I squeal a laugh as he carries me to the bedroom, where he drops me on the bed. “Let’s start in here, and we can work our way around the house,” he says in a low timbre that makes my pussy clench.
“Ending in the guest bathroom,” I practically purr.
“Mmm.” Fabio’s eyes become heavy with the memory of us at the party as he loosens his tie and lets it fall to the floor. “Good plan.”