“Did he just?—”
“Quack at my belly? Yes.” Lily laughs, shaking her head. “He’s convinced the baby’s a girl and has already started calling her duck goddess Penelope.”
“A house full of girls; serves the tough guy right,” I tease.
Glancing over to the men, I lock eyes with Fabio. We’re currently engaged in a little cat and mouse game; I told him I wanted another non-con scene, but I don’t know when it’ll happen. It’s been three days, and I’m on edge and so fucking needy. Now that I’m onto his strategy, every time he leaves for family business, I expect him to double back and surprise me. He hasn’t yet, and the anticipation has me so wired I might orgasm if he keeps looking at me like that.
I snap my attention back to Lily, ignoring how damp my panties are just thinking about it. “I feel the same way about my husband,” she comments, having caught me lusting after Fabio. “Especially with the pregnancy hormones; it’s insane.”
I make a face. “I love you; I love Darius. But I cannot hear about your sex life; he’s like my big brother.”
“Well, you’re not the one who heard a certain newlywed couple going at it in the bathroom at Iris’ birthday party,” Lily counters.
My jaw drops, and I cover my face with my hands, peeking through my fingers. “I am so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she assures me. “Anyone on the receiving end of an orgasm like that should never apologize.”
“Lily!” I say in shock; my friend’s typically pretty reserved.
“Sorry, that’s the hormones talking,” she says with a giggle. “On the bright side, be glad it was me and not Darius on the other side of that door.”
“Oh, God, I shudder at the thought.”
She nods. “I can only imagine how protective he’ll be when the girls get older.”
“You said girls. Plural,” I point out.
Lily groans, placing a hand on her belly. “Now he’s got me doing it!”
I spot Taylor looking unsure as security halts her at the gate. “Excuse me just a minute,” I tell Lily. “I need to save my friend from the aggressive security guard.”
Walking across the yard, I reach Taylor and hug her. “She’s good,” I tell the guard who’s searching Taylor’s purse.
“Gifts stay outside,” he says gruffly, pointing to a cart.
Taylor hands over the gift and retrieves her purse, and I usher her through the gate. “I still can’t get over this beach house,” she says in awe. “No wonder you were MIA.”
I shrug unrepentant. “Told you I was dealing with family stuff.”
She lifts an eyebrow. “By family stuff, you mean sneaking off and marrying the boss of AC.”
“Fabio’s a restauranteur,” I say reflexively.
“It’s alright; you’re part of this world now, and I’m not. I get it,” she says the last part sadly.
“Hey, you’ll always be part of my world.”
“Isn’t that a song from a princess movie?” she jokes.
“It’s my party, so I’ll have you know I am a princess today,” I inform her primly. “How’s my condo working out for you?”
“It’s perfect; thanks again for letting me crash until I find a new place.”
“Of course; whatever you need,” I assure her.
“Not a thing. I didn’t even realize I had renter’s insurance, so that money coming through was a nice surprise.”
“That’s awesome.” Taylor didn’t have renter’s insurance; that was all Fabio’s doing.