I run my hand down my face in frustration, knowing he’s right.
“So you’ve got my capo’s wife,” Romeo says impatiently. “Let’s cut the bullshit—what is it you want?”
“Prisoner swap. Give me John, and I’ll give you Mrs. Mazza and her friend,” Gavin says, and it feels like my heart is going to implode. “A two-for-one bargain.”
“Who is this man to you?” Romeo glances at John, whose face is impassive as he hangs from the hook.
“That’s not your concern; do we have a deal, or do we have a dead newlywed?” Gavin threatens, and I envision keeping this man my prisoner for years to come, his daily torture my new hobby. Torture has never been my MO—get in, get out, get your hit by stealth—but now I’m beginning to understand the appeal.
Romeo barks something in Greek to Darius, and he nods, hustling out, only to return a moment later carrying Enzo—who’s awake now—still tied to the chair. Placing him down beside the boss with a grunt, Darius returns to standing by me.
Enzo’s muffled cries fill the room, all the while John thrashes futilely against his restraints, causing his body to swing back and forth.
“Here’s my counteroffer. I’ll agree to that trade, with one caveat: John agrees to watch me put a bullet in his lover’s head first.” Romeo reaches into his jacket and pulls out his gun, holding the barrel to Enzo’s sweaty temple.
Sam strolls over and rips the duct tape off John’s mouth. “No, wait!” John shouts. “Gavin, let the women go!”
“Don’t be a fucking idiot!” Gavin shouts over the phone.
“Let them go. I’ve got this,” John says firmly.
“Gentlemen, it seems you have a house divided,” Romeo interjects, pressing the gun harder against Enzo’s clammy skin. “What’s it going to be?”
The phone goes dead, and it feels like all the wind’s been knocked out of me. I double over, my eyes feeling wet and my vision becoming blurry. Confused about what’s happening, I bring my hands up to my eyes, dragging my fingers through the wetness. All these years, I’ve been unable to cry. So this is what it’s like.
I let out an ungodly sound, grabbing a baseball bat next to the tray of torture tools and lifting it, ready to crush John’s skull since I can’t crush Gavin’s.
Darius tackles me to the ground, the wind knocked out of me with a whoosh as the bat skitters across the floor.
“Not being the most calculating man in the room, my friend,” Darius quietly chides, his huge arms wrapping around me.
“Get off me! I’m going to fucking kill him!” I bellow, tears stinging my eyes as I struggle against him.
“Sam, help Darius escort Fabio out of here. He needs to cool off,” Romeo orders. “And take Enzo back to his ‘accommodations.’”
“Perfect timing, because I needed to speak to you alone,” John says to Romeo.
Romeo throws his head back with laughter. “But of course, Mr. Davis. Shall I send for tea?”
“You gonna keep your cool if I let go?” Darius asks me quietly.
“Yes.” I grit my teeth, pulling myself together.
He rolls off me and hops to his feet, extending a hand as he hoists me up. I stare John down before walking out, with Darius carrying Enzo out by his chair.
“You could help me, you fucker,” Darius gripes to Sam, who follows us outside and closes the door.
“Why, when you’re doing such a good job,” Sam says, now weaving a knife between his fingers. “See you later, Kid,” he menaces to a wide-eyed Enzo as Darius carries the soldier down the hall.
My phone rings, and I hold my breath as I answer the call from Katerina on speakerphone.
“Fabio, I’m okay,” she says, and my legs nearly give out. “Gavin let me and Taylor go, but I don’t know where we are.”
“Describe your surroundings,” I tell her calmly, all the while my hand trembles so badly I nearly drop my phone.
“Hold on, there’s an abandoned gas station up ahead.” The sound of footsteps hitting the pavement fills the silence, and she gives me the address.
“Wait there. I’m going to send Vince to pick you up; he’s closer than I am. He’ll watch over you and Taylor at the house until I can get there. Alright?”