Page 105 of Forgotten Deal

“Wife of a Parisi family capo,” I correct him. “And when Fabio finds out what you’ve done, let’s just say I’m not going to fucking stop him.”

Gavin snorts a laugh. “Oh, he’s going to find out alright. In fact, why don’t we tell him now?” He grabs my phone, flashing his pearly whites. “Removed the tracker on it, by the way.”




Following Darius to Romeo’s house, we’re let in through the gate and pull into the garage. Sam’s there to meet us. “Fucking Enzo,” he says in shock. “I don’t believe it.”

“I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes,” Darius says, and I murmur my agreement as we walk around his car and open the trunk.

Darius and I carry John down the basement stairs, where Romeo’s waiting on us with a huge smile on his face. John and Enzo are dead men.

The boss scans his hand, and we follow him down to the cellar. “String up our special guest,” Romeo commands, and I help Darius get an unconscious John hooked up from the ceiling.

“Where do you want Enzo?” Darius asks.

“Put him in the holding cell,” the boss orders.

Darius and I take the steps two at a time and retrieve Enzo, carrying his unconscious body downstairs to the cellar and opening the door to a holding cell the size of a coat closet. Securing him to the chair, we close and lock the door.

We return to find Romeo meticulously setting up a tray of various torture tools. “Revive him. I’m ready for the fun to begin,” he menaces.

Reaching in my case, I pull out a vial and fill up the syringe. “Darius, can you hold him steady?” Otherwise, it’d be like trying to poke a swinging piñata.

Darius grabs John’s unconscious body, and I climb into a chair so I can get a better angle. Depressing the syringe in John’s neck, I pull it out and place my tools back in their case before hopping down.

Romeo taps his foot impatiently, and so to hurry things along, I grab smelling salts and wave the small vial under John’s nose. He rouses, his eyes snapping open with confusion as his cries are muffled by the duct tape.

“Welcome, dear John,” Romeo says, running his fingers over the handle of a scalpel. “Where to even begin?” he muses, picking up a pair of pliers and giving them a demonstrative snap before placing them down.

My phone vibrates, and I grab it from my pocket. It’s Katerina, and I hit decline, sending her a text instead.

I can’t talk right now. I’ll call you later, Kitty Kat.

Before I can put away my phone, I receive a text from her.

Aww, what a cute nickname.

A picture comes through of my wife tied to a chair, and I nearly crack the phone because I’m squeezing it so tight.

I’ve got your Kitty Kat all tied up at the moment. She can’t talk right now either, but I’m in a chatty mood. Give your boss the phone if you want your wife to remain breathing. This is Gavin, btw.

“Romeo, Gavin has taken my wife,” I say in an eerily calm voice, walking over to him and holding out my phone so he can see the picture.

Romeo snatches the phone from me, putting it on speakerphone. “So you’re the dead man who wanted to speak to me. Go ahead, let’s hear those last words,” Romeo says in an ice-cold tone.

Gavin chuckles. “Big talk, considering you’re there, and I’m here. With your capo’s wife. Let’s see if honor is part of the Parisi family’s code now that you’re at the helm. It certainly wasn’t when your old man was boss.”

“Put Katerina on the phone to prove she’s alive,” I interject loudly, my voice sounding foreign to my ears.

“Fabio! Gavin and Dominic grabbed me and Taylor from her house,” Katerina says in a rush, and I grit my teeth. I should have poisoned both those fuckers. “I’m in a warehouse, probably close to AC because?—”

“That’s enough.” Gavin comes back on the line.

I charge for the door, but Darius blocks me. “You have no idea where in AC she is; wait until we know more before you go barreling into trouble by yourself,” he tells me quietly.