Page 7 of Forgotten Deal

My phone rings, and I check the caller. “What’s up?” I tell my cousin, Darius.

“I’m taking Lily to Greece on our honeymoon. I need a babysitter to tag along with us and watch her four-year old daughter, Iris,” he explains. “You in?”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” Just say no only applies to bad decisions; a free trip to Greece is never a bad decision.




Having stayed the night in the hotel room alone—painfully so—I make the drive back to Newark. What terrible fucking timing to get a call from the boss, but when Romeo Parisi calls, you answer. Doesn’t matter if you’re balls deep inside a knockout; which unfortunately, I didn’t make it that far. And by the time I got off the phone, she was long gone.

I pull into the parking lot of Corner Caffè and hop out of my car. Entering the shop, I’m greeted by Romeo’s little sister, Valentina, who’s working behind the counter. “Hey, Fabio.”

“Hey, Valentina. Romeo in his office?”

“Yes. I’ll walk back with you,” she offers. “I need to deliver these drinks anyway. Would you like something?”

“An espresso would be great, thank you.”

“Coming right up.” She pours me an espresso and hands me the small cup.


“Of course. Follow me,” she says, grabbing a tray.

“Is that…” I pause, not wanting to offend the boss’s baby sister, but the foam on one of the espressos looks like a dick and ballsack.

“Dick latte art. For Sammy.” She smiles sweetly.

I chuckle, following her through the back of the shop and down a hallway. We come to the boss’s office, and I knock on the door.

Romeo beckons us to enter, and I follow his sister inside.

“This is my last day working here,” Valentina announces, handing Romeo his cup, then presenting Sammy with the dick and ball foam espresso. “I need to devote all of my time to my company.”

“Because making dick foam is so time-consuming,” Sammy says in a patronizing tone.

“Not really; very little foam is needed for a teeny-tiny dick,” Valentina fires back.

“Enough,” Romeo interjects. “Valentina, if you want to stop working here, that’s your decision, but I can’t have you out in public until things settle down.”

“How the hell am I supposed to run an event planning company if I can’t be out in public to plan the events?” She huffs.

“With what I’m paying you to plan mine and Nicky’s wedding, your company’s doing just fine,” he says, narrowing his eyes at his sister.

“If you want the best, then you have to pay for it,” she says unapologetically.

“If I’m paying for the best, my latte could use more foam,” Sammy says.

“It’s anatomically correct,” Valentina snaps. Turning to her brother, she challenges, “I interact with customers here at the shop. How is it any different?”

“Security’s increased ever since the shooting; I wouldn’t allow you to step foot back inside this shop otherwise,” Romeo tells her.

“And what if things never settle down? You gonna make me live in a gilded cage forever? I thought you were different than Antonio Parisi.”

“I am my father’s son, Valentina. Never forget it,” Romeo tells her.