Page 34 of Forgotten Deal

“Sorry, boss. Sergio wanted us to handle problems without him getting involved,” Sal explains.

“You didn’t handle a problem; you created a bigger one for me!” I shout. Taking a deep breath, I get myself under control before saying, “I’m going to repeat myself one last time: I am not Sergio. This is my house now. You follow my orders to a fucking T. You don’t improvise, freestyle, or do it the way it’s always been done. You do what I fucking tell you to do. Am I making myself clear?”

“Yes, boss,” the men grumble, hanging their heads.

“Go get cleaning supplies, slickers and gloves, a machete, and trash bags.” I would order them to clean up the mess, but I don’t dare leave something so important in the hands of these two—the weak fucking links.


Having played a few hands at each table to ensure everyone’s on the up and up, I take a seat at the bar and check my phone; it’s nearly five in the morning. Fabio’s been gone for quite some time; I guess he’s either overseeing the beat-down of the cheaters or conducting it himself.

Sipping on a cranberry juice with vodka now that my work for the evening is finished, I’m wondering how I’m going to pull all-nighters like this and then turn around and work a day shift at The Diamond—where I mentally have to be at my best. Luckily, I have the next two days off, but after that, my schedule’s slammed.

I decide that’s a future Katerina problem.

A stunning girl with lustrous strawberry blonde hair and attitude oozing out of her nonexistent teenage pores takes a seat beside me. The bartender walks to the back, and the girl reaches over the bar and snatches a beer. She expertly knocks the bottle on the side of the bar, causing the cap to fly off. “Cheers.” She salutes me before taking a sip.

“Aren’t you a little young to be here?” No way this girl is twenty-one.

She raises an eyebrow. “In this illegal gambling establishment?”

“Fair enough. What’s your name?”

“Luna.” A man growls, jerking the bottle out of her hand and tossing it in the trash.

She smirks. “Uh-oh. Daddy’s here.”

He jerks her up out of the stool by the arm. “Don’t fucking call me that,” he grits.

“Is everything okay?” I say, worried that I need to intervene.

“Yes,” the man says.

“No.” She rolls her eyes, jerking her arm out of his hold. “My guardian seems to think he’s in charge of my life.”

“My ward seems to forget her guardian is in charge of her life,” the man informs Luna.

“My guardian seems to forget that I’m a legal adult now.” She turns her attention to me. “What’s your name?”


“Hi, Kat. I’m Luna. This buzzkill is Vince; I wouldn’t confuse him for a friend,” she stage-whispers.

“Okay,” I say, having no idea what she means.

“Ms. Stefanos, it’s nice to meet you,” Vince says, and I wonder how he knows my last name. “Let’s go, Luna,” Vince snaps, dragging her along.

“Hope to see you around, Kat.” She calls over her shoulder.

“You’re not seeing anyone on the gaming floor,” the man informs her, leading her out the back.

The bartender returns. “Did I miss anything?”

“Nah,” I say, since I’m not exactly sure what that was.

Finishing my drink, I walk to the back and find the restroom, stepping inside and locking the door before I use the surprisingly clean facilities. Grabbing my lipgloss out of my purse, I touch it up before glancing at my phone; I’ve missed a text from Taylor several hours ago.

Wanna work out with me tomorrow morning at Ace’s?