“People like the Parisis don’t have friends; they have underlings who are expendable. Do you know what that means?”
“No,” I admit.
“It means your mama and papà are buried six feet under, while Antonio Parisi and his son get to go home to their gated mansion,” she spits.
“It wasn’t Mr. Parisi’s fault; it was Maximo Russo’s,” I say, feeling a burning in my chest.
“If your papa wasn’t involved with Mr. Parisi, he’d still be alive. That makes it Antonio Parisi’s fault.”
“Nonna, but?—”
“No buts.” She points at me. “You’re going to stay off the streets and away from the Parisi family.”
Her shoulders begin to shake, and I wrap my arms around her as a sob escapes her lips. For some reason, I still can’t cry—couldn’t shed a single tear at the funeral. “Alright, Nonna,” I say quietly. “I’ll stay away from them.”
I unintentionally lied to her then, but I’m not going to lie to her now. “Nonna, that’s not how it works. Even if I wanted out, which I don’t. This is my life,” I tell her firmly. “I’m moving to Atlantic City, but I’ll be back every Sunday to check on you.”
She begins crying, and I wrap my arms around her frail body. “How much more are you going to give the Parisi family?” she demands on a sob.
Having just knocked off an old woman with dementia, it seems the answer to that question is everything.
Arriving at Sergio’s restaurant—my restaurant, I correct myself—I let myself in the back door and walk to the private dining room.
“The Bug Man’s kid is taking over this joint,” I overhear a man say with derision.
“Funny how everyone in Romeo’s old crew gets promoted,” another man grumbles.
“Is that so?” I say loudly, appearing in the doorway, and everyone turns around quickly, eyes going wide. “Good to know my crew has beef with the way the boss is handling business. Let’s get Romeo on the phone so everyone can air his grievances.”
I pull my phone out of my pocket, and the men all shout No! in unison.
Pocketing my phone, I warn, “If I ever catch anyone disrespecting our boss again, it’ll be your last words. Capisci?”
Everyone mumbles their agreement.
“Good. Let’s start over. For those who don’t know me, I’m Fabio Mazza. Disrespect my old man again, and you’ll find out if the rumors about me are true.” I pause, looking around to make sure everyone knows I mean business.
It’s so quiet, you could hear a pin drop, and now that I have everyone’s undivided attention, I continue, “I’ve been named capo of this crew. However you were used to operating under Sergio, forget it. I run a tight ship, and I expect everyone to be smart, keep your heads down, and your noses clean. We’re only as strong as our weakest link; don’t be the weak fucking link. We on the same page so far?”
“Same page,” the men agree in unison.
“Good. Let’s go around the room and introduce yourself, as there’s a few of you I don’t know personally. Tell me your rackets, or what you do for the family if you’re not an earner. Vince, let’s start with you.”
“I’m Vince. Fabio, I had the honor of knowing your old man. Stand up guy,” he comments.
“Thanks.” I nod.
“I run several small bookkeeping operations, but my biggest moneymaker is my chess racket with my associate and ward, Luna,” Vince explains.
“Come clean, Vince. Did you tap that jailbait pussy yet?” A man pipes up. “No? Well, I just might the next time I see the sweet little thing.” He smirks.
Vince jumps over the table and tackles the guy. The two men fall to the floor in a scuffle, fists flying.