Jonathan reached across the console and flipped a switch. “Know what you mean. I took a nap last weekend, and I woke up feeling like I’d slept for years.”
That was about how Liam was feeling. He continued to watch their movements. “I’m fascinated by how you know what all those switches and buttons do.”
“As long as Captain Laurel doesn’t press the red one, we’ll be just fine.”
He looked around for the red button and saw a round sticker covering the circle that read “DO NOT TOUCH”.
“What’s the red one do?” he asked.
Jonathan leaned back in his chair. “It’s a secret.”
“Oh. Dangerous or technical?”
“No, just secret.”
Callie’s cheeks dimpled with a smirk. She reached over and hovered over the button. “Date me?”
He paused as his heart started to gallop in his chest. “What … what’d you just say?” He had to be dreaming.
“Dare me?” Her head cocked as she hovered over the button.
“Oh, um, I’d love to, but since Jonathan looks like he might pass out, I’m thinking it’s best that you don’t press the red button.”
She raised and lowered her shoulders quickly. “Suit yourself, but I swear you look like a guy who likes a little adventure.”
He did, and he’d play along for a little while longer, especially if it meant staying in the same room with the witty woman.
“Plans are set for the landing, and Paul will have a vehicle waiting for you, Mr. Young.” Jonathan returned to business and readjusted in his seat.
“Thank you. Having Sam back will make my sister really happy.”
Jonathan glanced back at him. “We’re glad we could accommodate your flight in our busy schedule.”
Callie whipped her head to Jonathan and scowled at him, the moment turning as uncomfortable as watching his father hit on women half his age.
“Well, was just stretching my legs.” He started out of the flight deck. “I don’t want to bother you.”
“You’re welcome to watch.” Callie glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll avoid the red button.”
He might push the button himself, just to see how they’d react. Adventure couldn’t be denied its time and place. But now was not it. Plus, he had other ways of finding out what the red button did. He’d just ask Sam; he’d been a pilot in the past. Then Liam would be one step ahead of them.
Liam backed away. He did want to watch but wondered if his gaze holding on Callie might make her uncomfortable. Confidence led the list of the sexiest things in a woman. He loved spoiling a woman—flowers, dinner, dancing, the whole shebang—but on her terms and meeting her in the middle whenever possible. He’d had a few women in his bed for a night or two, but there was never one he’d thought about calling for more than a quick dinner or date to a charity event. For so many years, he’d spent too many hours at the office, sacrificing his life for the family business to grow. Heck, the last woman he’d sent flowers to was his administrative assistant, for the last five years. There was no turning back the clock. His regrets were many, but he’d learned time was short. If he wanted to find someone to spend the rest of his life with, someone he could laugh with, have inside jokes with, find someone to share the good and bad times with, then he needed to stop living like he didn’t want those things.
Liam sighed and the sound made Callie look back. Callie’s sweet smile made his chest constrict and his gut clench.
He continued to stand there and take in their routine. It was crazy to be thinking of this as anything more than a business transaction. He needed to get to Sam, get him back to the United States, and then maybe there would be a day when he could ask Callie out.
She lives in Denver.
The truth was that their time together would be this flight and then they’d go their separate ways. He lived for the truth as a lawyer, and part of him wished this truth wasn’t so damn true.
“I’m going back to my seat. Thank you for taking me to get Sam. Again, I really appreciate it.”
Callie glanced back at him. “It’s our pleasure, Mr. Young. Please feel free to come back whenever you want. The next leg is just under three hours.”
Her easygoing nature made him wish to get to know her more. She was more than a pilot’s license or a fancy ride to a tropical place. He rarely wished for interventions from the Universe, but just to have a day or more to spend with Callie Laurel would—and maybe wouldn’t—be enough.