Page 53 of Exes and Big Os

“That’s beautiful.”

The sage green satin dress fit perfectly. She’d get it, but the rest of her life was a hot mess. “Meg, our dream…”

“I’ve found a buyer for the fleet.”

Confusion seared through her. “What?”

“I saw what was happening with you and Liam, and I wanted us to have a contingency plan. The company is offering us thirty percent more than our book value. We already have sixteen flights booked for the next thirty days, and then ten after that. It’s making us look really prime for purchase.”

Plans had gotten them this far, but this didn’t feel right.

“How can I let go?” And should I?

Omaha didn’t feel like home anymore. She loved Colorado. The research supported the move. Bringing the company back to Omaha wouldn’t work. They’d have to downsize to one jet, and then bookings would be a struggle.

“I guess you have to decide if you have a new dream.” She lifted Callie’s hair and twisted it into a low chignon. “Gorgeous.”

Dreams could change and new ones could develop, but this hadn’t just been her father’s dream. And she’d tried to change for a man before; it didn’t work. There were arguments and hard feelings, and no one ever felt safe being themselves ever again.

Meg released her hair. “Sam’s picking me up after the rehearsal dinner to go out for drinks. I’m gonna go find a new outfit for that.”

Callie nodded. After the door closed, she sat on the dressing room bench. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to go to the wedding.

Her phone buzzed.

Liam: Got your number through Sam from Meg. I’ll be back home around nine. Make yourself comfortable.

She wondered if he’d told Trent about them but only for the blip of a second. She didn’t care what Trent thought, at all. Liam had mentioned paying for the flight, but the last transfer of Trent’s funds had happened before they hit the tarmac in Omaha, so he was now officially not her business. And Liam could keep his money for bigger and better things.

It was time for pleasure. Maybe the plan would just happen.

She’d crawled into Liam’s bed after nine, hoping to get some sleep before he came home.

Home. This was his home. She missed her condo in downtown Denver. She missed walking to the coffee/Armenian foods place around the corner. The combination was odd but worked. She missed the mountains. Omaha possessed many positives—low crime, high employment, excellent schools, and a bustling music scene, but it would never have the welcome mat that the Rocky Mountains afforded to Denver. In four short months, she’d found a place to fit in, and maybe get away, too.

The door to the bedroom opened.

Callie reached over and turned on the nightstand light. “Hey.”

Liam walked to the side of the bed and sat next to her. “You look good here.”

But she wasn’t staying. She couldn’t. “We need to talk.”

Liam’s face dropped from his light smile to stoic. “Sure. I’ll be right back.”

When he returned, he lay on top of the bedding.

“Aren’t you going to get under the covers?”

He rolled to his side and propped his head on his crooked arm. “I’ve heard the ‘we need to talk’ speech before. I figured this would be more comfortable for you.”

Callie smiled. Always the gentleman. “I don’t want this to be over, Liam.”

“Neither do I, but sometimes things don’t work out, I understand that.”

“I can’t move back to Omaha.”

“And I can’t move to Denver.”